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Report generation subsequences



I've modified the Simple OI shipped with TS (4.0).

I've created buttons and assigned them to subsequences in my sequence file.

The Main sequence waiting for a thread to finish (this way I can keep running MainSequence during test test).

The problem is the next: I cannot get the subsequences results into the report file (such as pass/fail test, actions, etc).

I think there is a way to modify the model (SequentialModel.seq or a callback).

Any help would be appreciated.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Are you launches the sequence in a NewExecution and if so are you using the ProcessModel Entry Point as as a reference in NewExecution?



Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6



I placed the sequence call as New Execution and after that a Wait synchronization.


Download All
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Dear kopisti,


Regarding we could step forward in this topic over phone, let me post the conclusion.

You can copy the steps, which are part of the sequencial model, and you can get reporting. This seems a harder way than just take the advantages of the predefined models in TS.

We talked about to rearrange a little the architecture which alouds you to use the model, and keep the reporting.

You can access the variables on TestStand over property nodes in LabVIEW, where you build your custom UI.

You can specify switch-case structure in your main sequence in a loop, and call the proper subsequence regarding the passed value from LabVIEW.

With this the subsequences will be part of the reporting, because the reporting is initialized by the model to this session.


To access global variables, please check this doc:

To access any property in TestStand engine:


Best Regards,

Tamas Szekely

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Dear Tamas, hi everybody,


Like kopisti, I have the problem with the reporting. Unfortunately, I also have problems understanding the solution.


Could you please describe  again?


I only want to execute the subsequence once (and report the results) and go on in the main sequence after that (also reporting the results. In the same report).

In the call, I said "uns new execution" and choose "single pass". But then I don't know what to do next. Where to coose my subsequence and I'm not sure if my main sequence waits till the execution is finished!? What did you meen with the loop?


Best regards


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hi Meike,

Sorry for my late answer.

I ment with the loop the followings:

You can run this while loop in a sequence file using Process Model entry point, like TestUUTs or Single Pass.

In TestStand you can create while loop, which will execute the steps in it until the condition is met. In the sequence we are checking an "exit" variable to break or continue the loops.

In the loop we are also checking other variable in a switch-case structure, and calling different sub-sequences on different values of the variable.

There is also a custom user interface, where you can set those variables using TestStand API.

So it looks like this in pseudo code:


while !Locals.exit begin

switch selector_variable

case 1: call subsequence1; break;

case 2: call subsequence2; break;

case 3: call subsequence3; break;

end while

If using this loop, you can still call subsequences - and they will be logged into the same reports.

If you would just call the sequences from the User Interface without using process modell, you won't get any reports.


I hope I could clarify those things better, but if you have any question, feel free to ask.


Best Regards,

Tamas Szekely


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Message 6 of 6