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Response dialog box Teststand using I/O signal

Hello, As we know,when Test end it will show the test result  dialog box. I want to close the dialog box using I/O signal not keyboard and mouse.

Who can help me?

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Message 1 of 3
Hi,as you know, in Teststand, it works following the "Sequence Model" in the ->C:\Program Files\National

Instruments\TestStand \Components\Models\TestStandModels. When you run a test UUT, it tests following this model. In the

model named "SequentialModel",it has a step which shows the dialog box. You must delete this step and insert the LabVIEW or

other code which measure the signal.

NI Application Engineer in Shanghai China
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Message 2 of 3

Hi Vista,


Vinzent is correct in stating that this dialog is displayed via a step in the Process Model. However, you don't need to directly modify the step in the Process Model sequence file. The "test result dialog box" is actually displayed in the Post UUT callback sequence of the Process Model. Rather than directly modifying the Process Model sequence file, the better way to approach this would be to override the Post UUT callback in your test sequence file.


Please post back in this thread if you have any questions as to how you might implement this approach.

Manooch H.
National Instruments
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