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Running a sequence in a sequence file through command line and generating report

I was trying to integrate the sequence execution with the Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) Tool using the command lines of the TestStand. From the help file and Discussion Forums I understand that ‘/runEntryPoint’ supports only the sequence file but not the sequences in the sequence file and ‘/run’ runs the specified sequence in the sequence file but does not generate the report file.

My requirement was to execute a sequence from sequence file and generate report. Is there any approach or commands that is similar to ‘Run Selected Step Using >> Single Pass’.

Attached an example sequence file which has three Sequences (TestID1, TestID2, and TestId3). My intention was to schedule tests in MTM; each test passes sequence file name and the sequence to be tested as parameters to a script which in turn invokes the TestStand. 


Thanks in advance.

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Message 1 of 5

You can specify the "Single Pass" entry point. That will always run MainSequence though. However that is also how the process models work. Perhaps you could create a special test sequence file whose MainSequence just calls the sequences you want to test and call that special test sequence file using "Single Pass" from MTM.


Hope this helps,


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Message 2 of 5



Not aware of any command line option through which you can acheive it.

A different approach to acheive this is explained below :


In your MTM do the following :


1) Update a known ini (or XML) file with all Sub sequences names  in your test sequence file that you intend to run (you need to write a exe with command arguments for this)

ex : Subsequencetorun = TestID2,TestID3

2) Call the \runentry point using the "single pass"   (SeqEdit.exe /runEntryPoint "Single Pass" "c:\My Seqs\test.seq")


In all of your test sequences do the following :

1) Parse the ini file and get all the subsequences to be run in a string array (need to write a dll for this)

2) Use a for each loop for the string array to run only the sub sequences of interest

Please check the attached sequence.


Hope this helps.





Message 3 of 5

Hello Doug & Ravi,

Thank you very much for your suggestions.



I was also thinking in the same approach of using the ini file but with different kind of execution using LabVIEW.
1. ini file will be updated by the MTM, which lists the sequence name and sequence file to run.
2. MTM in invokes the LabVIEW.
3. LabVIEW parses the ini file and invokes the TestStand with sequence file to be used.
4. LabVIEW programmatically gets all the sequence calls from the Main Step and sets the Run Mode to 'Skip', disable result recording of the sequences except the sequence to be tested.
5. Command the TestStand to run sequence file with 'Single Pass' entry point.


I was not sure if I can do everything from the LabVIEW. If this approach doesn’t work I will use your approach. We have a common sequence file which contains the sequence that are common to all the sequences. I will add the parser to the common sequence file and do the rest as need. Our approach was to run all the sequences in the sequence file when it is executed manually and also a particular sequence that will be invoked by the MTM.


Once again thank you for your suggestions.



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Message 4 of 5

Hello @RaviShrigiri 
If I would like to use the command line (SeqEdit.exe /runEntryPoint "Single Pass" "c:\My Seqs\test.seq") which run SeqEdit.exe as admin, how can I do that?

Thank you

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Message 5 of 5