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Separate Initialization and Settings of Card

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Hello All,


I have a programmable resistor card from pickering.  If I were using LabView, I would initialize the card, and then use the VISA function "SetChannelPattern" to set the resistance, and close the card all in the same VI.


In TestStand,  I want the initialize, set, and close into different steps, so that means I can't use a VI do this (correct me if I am wrong). Is there a way to do this? (maybe accessing the VISA functions or something?)


Pickering does have a few StepTypes for TestStand, but there is a bug, so I can't use it anyways.

I have also tried putting the initialize function in one VI, the set resistance function on another VI, and the close function in a third VI, and then pass the VISA handle using local variables within TestStand, but it keeps on giving me the error "Not a valid session".

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Accepted by topic author Bladhart

Separate functions should work just fine. How are you saving the VISA reference? Have you looked at the shipping example that uses the session manager? It does exactly what you are asking about.


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