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Suddenly LV Steps in PostUUT and LogToDB are not finishing - Test Stand kills the execution before they complete!

I have an overrided PostUUT with my own dialog, and then three LV Steps that copy data files after that dialog.


I have an overrided LogToDB where two DB reports are generated after the stock call to record to the DB.


I just realized that this code is getting cut off.  The log to DB works, my dialog box is called, but immediately after this it appears TS has decided that execution is finished and it cuts off these sequences before all my steps have completed.


I'll even add breakpoints and as I step through the sequence I am stepping through will end without calling the next step.


What could be doing this?



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OK, I think I see the problem...


In PreUUT I set Runstate.Engine.StationOptions.RTEOption to 1, to hide the dialog.  The error is logged in the report.


But in the setup of PostUUT and Log to DB, I set it back to 0, because the error is not going to be logged in the report.


What is happening is that the dialog is not being turned back on at this point, so errors are dumping the test.


Any way to reload this option?  Or does it need to be set before the routines run?

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