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Teststand report plotting graph



during the development of a sequence, I have encountered a difficulty in understanding a different beahvior for logging to TS report a Labview waveform. In particular my vi passes as outputs two graph to be logged to the TS report, one is a power spectrum of the signal (which is a cluster of two number and an array of number), the second is a waveform. While the first data set is plotted automatically without problem (see Report Data.PNG) for the second data set it isn’t the same. I don’t get why or what is my error since in TS I have configure the plug-in to plot the arrays as a graph.


For what concern the spectrum data I’d like to have the frequencies on the x axis, but I have observed the automatically TS uses the indices in the array to create the plot, how can I change this thing?


Thank you for your kind attention!


Best Regards,


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Message 1 of 7

My feeling is that the graphing capability that is built into the plugin is not very good.  Like you said it is very limited.


Consider doing something like the example that ships with TestStand: C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2019 (32-bit)\Examples\Demos\Mobile Device Test


Specifically look at how they inject the images onto the report as graphs.  Basically they are taking a screenshot of a LV graph and converting it to base 64.  Then they inject that into the report via the report text.  I've always felt like this was a better way to put graphs and images on the reports.


Hope this helps,

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Message 2 of 7

Hi jigawaxx,


First of all, thank you very much for the helpful answers you always give in the posts, your support is very important!


I think the same as you, even if I don’t get what are the advantages of doing so. I mean, the plug-in option of including arrays as graph in the report becomes meaningless if we choose to insert screenshots of the LabView front panel. Moreover, it adds operations to the vi and, in my case, since I call many times the same vi, it will create different image with different name and their injection in the report ( as reported here), will not be so automatic.


Furthermore, the point on which I want to focus is the different behaviour of the data type. Why the Power spectrum data is included in the report without problems while the waveform data (which is specifically made for this scope) doesn’t follow the same path?


Thank you for the attention and I wish you a good day!


Best Regards,


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

I think this is a bug.  If you go to Additional Results for that step and then log the local variable that you are storing it to then it works.  It just seems that it can't do parameters with this type for some odd reason.

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Message 4 of 7



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Message 5 of 7



Thank you very much for the help. One last question. Since i want to put in relation the vector of time (i have to create it as t = t0 + n*dt) how i can assig that vector as x-axsis for my graph?


more important how i can report this possible bug to NI?


Thank you for everything! I wish you a nice week!


Best Regards,


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

That graph doesn't support an x-axis like you want.  It just supports a linear x-axis from 1-n.


That's another reason I use the base64 method.


As for reporting bugs.... not really sure.  They used to have a CAR system but I can't find it anymore.  Sorry.

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Message 7 of 7