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UI Message Help - Send Array to the UI via ActiveX

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I have asked a similar questoin before but now I'm having issues trying to get a array to the UI via UI messaging. I'm my TestStand code I have an expression to send a array that is located as a FileGlobal array container to the UI as such:


RunState.Thread.PostUIMessageEx(UIMsg_UserMessageBase + 2,0, "", FileGlobals.DataRead, False)


and in the UImessage callback I have what I thought I should do to send the data to a text table on the UI. This is not working.


Can someone tell me what I'm doing incorrectly?

Attached is the UIcallback, Control and a picture of the table on my UI



Bill Lewis
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Message 1 of 14


You can't directly pass the data in a UIMessage.  You can, however, pass a reference to ThisContext.  Then, you can modify your UI Message Handler to query for that value, directly using TestStand - Get Property Value.



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Message 2 of 14

@JGruenberg wrote:


You can't directly pass the data in a UIMessage.  You can, however, pass a reference to ThisContext.  Then, you can modify your UI Message Handler to query for that value, directly using TestStand - Get Property Value.



Like this?

Bill Lewis
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Message 3 of 14

Yes, but you can use the TestStand - Get Property directly with the TS.SequenceContext reference and avoid casting variants into other things.  

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Message 4 of 14

@JGruenberg wrote:

Yes, but you can use the TestStand - Get Property directly with the TS.SequenceContext reference and avoid casting variants into other things.  

Thanks for the help JGruenberg.

I have tried and it seems that the TS.SequecneContext is not correct or I'm not doing something correct. Attached is what i changed. Any other suggestions?

Bill Lewis
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Message 5 of 14
What exactly is happening? Is that callback executing? Is there an error?
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Message 6 of 14

Here is the error the callback is giving during the UI 10001 message

@JGruenberg wrote:
What exactly is happening? Is that callback executing? Is there an error?


Bill Lewis
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Message 7 of 14

Your SequenceContext control is not connected to anything, so its not going to have a real value.  You need to get your sequence context from the UIMessage object's ActiveX member.  This is how you'd do that:



Message 8 of 14

I'm close! Smiley Very Happy


I get a LabView error stating that a null value or deleted value was passed to the UImessage so I'm assuming this is because of my UI message format. Do i need to put the runstate.thiscontext? there or is this correct?


UI Message code to 10001 and 10002:


RunState.Thread.PostUIMessageEx(UIMsg_UserMessageBase + 1,0, "", Nothing, False),
RunState.Thread.PostUIMessageEx(UIMsg_UserMessageBase + 2,0, "", Nothing, False)


the step before the UI message is a multinumeric test and in the post expression I'm writing the data to the fileglobals with

FileGlobals.DataRead == Step.NumericArray

Bill Lewis
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Message 9 of 14

RunState.Thread.PostUIMessageEx(UIMsg_UserMessageBase + 1,0, "", Nothing, False),
RunState.Thread.PostUIMessageEx(UIMsg_UserMessageBase + 2,0, "", Nothing, False)


"Nothing" in there should be replaced with ThisContext.  You might want to change it to be synchroneous (changing the last parameter to True).

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