12-03-2014 08:15 AM
I got a TestStand test system. The tests can be performed from TestStand or usung external UI written in LabVIEW. When the UI is used the tests are executed as expected. However, an attempt to close the UI results in a long warning message started from
The Engine.ReleaseSequenceFile(Ex) method was not called for the following files:
C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\TestStand 2013\Components\Callbacks\Station\StationCallbacks.Seq
C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2013\Components\Callbacks\FrontEnd\FrontEndCallbacks.Seq
C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2013\Components\Callbacks\Station\StationCallbacks.Seq
Then LabVIEW is crushed as a rule.
For testing I saved the default test sequence (that appears when TestStand is opened) and tried to execute it using the same external UI. The warning appears in the same way as with real test sequence. I conclude that the UI generates the problem.
Internet search resulted in one information-containing hit (http://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-TestStand/The-Engine-ReleaseSequenceFile-Ex-method-was-not-called-for-the...). However, described there problem was related to opening sequence files with Engine.GetSequenceFileEx without releasing with Engine.ReleaseSequenceFileEx. I searched through the code and did not find any invocation of GetSequenceFileEx,
Please advice: How can I find where sequences are loaded? How can I release them?
Thank you!
PS: TestStand 213 f1; Model: BatchModel.seq; LabVIEW 2013 SP1
12-09-2014 02:38 AM
Hi _Y_
Are you using one of the shipping OIs that are installed with TestStand? If not, could you try, and see how it works.
You will find the here: C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\TestStand 2013\UserInterfaces
12-09-2014 03:54 AM
Hi Eirikur,
Thank you for the answer. Of course, the UI is not one shipped with TS. As a fact I already solved the problem introducing delays after two commands to Application Manager: "Shutdown" and "CloseAllSequenceFiles".
However, there is a feeling of "quick and dirty" solution because I do not understand what caused the error.
12-15-2014 05:46 AM
Hi _Y_,
The shipping OIs are a great resource of information on how to do things in case you want to implement a less 'quick & dirty' solution.
12-15-2014 06:13 AM
Thank you, I try.
Unfortunately, I am not good when working with exemples. My preference is understanding of background ideas.