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cannot open Import/Export Properties Tool

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Hello all,


I am working with NI TestStand 2014 and I am trying to use the "Import/Export Properties" tool from Tools -> Import/Export Properties... but when I click it, nothing happens, no window, no warning, nothing.


The option is obviously enabled in the menu but are there other conditions that I might be missing? Looking the internet for exemples, it just appears trivial that this tool should at least show up...


Any suggestion would be very welcome.


Thank you very much in advance!



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Message 1 of 6

On the Tools menu click Customize...


In the Customize Tools Menu dialog click on the Import/ExportProperties... option in the Tools Menu: listbox.


There should be a path to the sequence file.  Look at that path and ensure that the GenericImportExport.seq exists there.  If there isn't a path then it can't find the tool.


You could open the .seq directly from that path and try and run it.


Hope this helps with the troubleshooting,

~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~
Message 2 of 6

Hello jigg and thank you for your support.


Follwing your advices, I found the "Customize Tools Menu" for which the options of "Import/Export Properties" appear to be correct. I have attached a sceen shot of this window.


I followed the path to the sequence file "GenericImportExport.seq" given under:

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\TestStand 2014\Components\Tools


I launched this sequence from testStand, the sequence makes a call to a "TSDBComponents.dll" under:

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\TestStand 2014\Components\StepTypes\Database\TSDBComponents.dll

The run fails immediately. The best piece of information I could get is "Error - System Level Exception"...


By the way, running the sequence "ImportExport.seq" sitting aside the so called "generic" one works properly. However this sequence does not call the same dll so, well...


Here is a another clue in case it may help:

- I open TestStand and login as administrator

- I click on "Tools" -> "Import/Export Properties..." and nothing happens.

- I close TestStand and get a "TestStand Debug Options Warning"

I have attached a screen shot of this window. Here is the text it contains:


References to PropertyObjects were not released properly.
    Total number of objects: 37
    Number of top-level objects: 5

    Note: Some top-level objects may be included if they are referenced by
    an incorrectly released top-level object. For example, an unreleased
    SequenceContext object references a SequenceFile object.

    The following top-level objects were not released:

        Type Definitions [3 object(s) not released]
            Type Definition #1:
                Name: DatabasePropertyMapping

            Type Definition #2:
                Name: DatabaseColumnValue

            Type Definition #3:
                Name: Expression

        PropertyObjects [2 object(s) not released]
            PropertyObject #1:
                Name: PropertiesList
                Type: Array of Containers

            PropertyObject #2:
                Name: ExtraInfo
                Type: Array of Containers

My TestStand installation comes from "Labview 2014 Automated Test Suite", I am running a windows 7 SP1 64 bits. The TestStand version I have is version 2014 ( 32-bit under the "Development System" license...

Since the error I am facing is related to a "system level exception", I wonder if running a 32bit  teststand on a 64 bit machine may be the root cause. Who knows... We have other computers here running the 64 bit version of TestStand and I cannot reproduce this problem there.


I will try  fresh install and see how further I can go.







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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by buzzo182

Last minute update: installing the 64 bit version of TestStand did solve my problem!

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Message 4 of 6

My next piece of advice would have been to run the TestStand Version Selector.  Because TS is built on ActiveX components the version selector registers the correct objects.  I bet that the TSDB or something like that wasn't registered correctly.


Glad it is fixed.



~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~
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Message 5 of 6

For those who get the missing importexporttool.seq popup, you need to install TestStand Tools by doing a repair on your version of TestStand and checking TestStand Tools.

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Message 6 of 6