01-15-2014 02:31 AM
Dear All,
I'm using c# user interface example and I would like to know what kind of station model and how many stations the sequence is configured.(before executing the sequence)
How can I get the type of station model (batch\sequential) and No. of stations with the relevant objects (axApplicationMgr\axSequenceViewMgr\axExecutionViewMgr)
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-15-2014 04:29 AM
01-15-2014 04:42 AM
Hi Juergen,
Thank you for quick and helpful answer
private void axApplicationMgr_DisplaySequenceFile(object sender, NationalInstruments.TestStand.Interop.UI.Ax._ApplicationMgrEvents_DisplaySequenceFileEvent e)
string t = string.Empty;
e.file.GetModelSequenceFile(out t);