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set value of parameter in sequence call programatically

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Is there a way to set the value of parameters of a sequence call with a vi with the sequence context in the sequence which is called? If not from the same subseqence maybe with a vi in the mainsequence?


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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by topic author Rokot

In your VI, I think you should be able to set the value of Step.TS.SData.ActualArgs.paranumber.Expr to the desired parameter value. (This property is visible in the Variables pane only if you have configured the Station Options to show hidden properties). Note that the Step object should refer to your sequence call step.  Also, keep in mind that that property represents an expression, so if you want to pass the value 33, you must put the value in quotes ("33").




Message 2 of 5

Hello Rokot


in the VI you can do this


also attached a demo for this


If i have misunderstood something or you need addtional information please let me know.

best regards
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Message 3 of 5

@jsiegel: Can you make an example? I dont know how exactly acces to this value.

@duffy: No, this only changes the value in the subsequence. I want to set the value of the parameter before in the module pane in the mainsequence.

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Message 4 of 5

ok, it works, thanks jsiegel.

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Message 5 of 5