06-16-2014 07:59 AM
Hi All,
Why the "Limits" does not appear in the locals resultlist of the "Numeric Limit Test" step type,but the "Units" is appear;I refer the NI KnowledgeBase:http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/37632B9C2C1CFCF286256BC20072AC14, But it's can't fix my issue;anybody have experience on this????(I use Teststand 2010 and LV2010);
06-16-2014 08:09 AM
Looking on the first screenshot you provide, i see a step with the result "Done" as step 0 in ResultList.
A numeric limit step should never get a "Done". So i assume that your step 0 is no numeric limit step, so it does not have limits to evaluate against. I would expect this step to be an action.
Please verify this and explain why you attached a screenshot of typeflags if you don't show whicht step type you are looking at.....
06-16-2014 08:19 AM
Yes,ResultList[0] is "Action" step type,But the Result[1]...[10] are "Numeric Limit Test" step type,there are no "Limits" and "Comp" appear,i attched the wrong screenshot picture,i will attched a new one later;
06-16-2014 08:45 AM
If "Limits" of step types which include those are not part of the ResultList, i would expect your machine to not "Include Limits In Results". This is a step included in the process model. Do you use a custom process model?
If yes, please check if it calls the AddExtraResult method for "Limits" and "Comparison Type" like the default process models do.
06-17-2014 07:40 AM
i use the custom process model seq,and it call the addExtraResult method for "Limit" and "Comp" too,
06-17-2014 08:23 AM
Your call to AddExtraResult has a precondition configured. Are you sure it evaluates to TRUE during execution?
It is possible it refers to the setting "Include Limits" in the Report Configuration dialog.
06-18-2014 05:26 AM
I checked precondition of AddExtraResult and set it TRUE; The Report Configuration dialog also include Limits;
Last,I copy all the TestStand folder from another computer,So I don't find the root casue;But still Thank you for you help;