05-22-2013 02:05 AM
Welcome to the ASAM HIL API for NI VeriStand 2012 feedback forum. Please use this forum to provide feedback or ask questions.
05-27-2013 01:20 AM
I try to use this add-on with macosoft windows XP operation system,but failed. can this add-on surpport the XP system in the future? hope for you reply. my email gang.wang@hirain.com ,if there are any available version ,please send me a copy. thanks.(sorry for my poor english)
05-28-2013 03:20 AM
we will try to create a package that supports Windows XP and send this to you as soon as we have it.
05-28-2013 03:31 AM
05-31-2013 01:31 AM
Hi,I'm back~ now I'm trying the api in Win7 System(but look forward for your xp version).
I runned the two demos,and runs fun. But I want use the capture Result function, and failed. below is the code that I tried(that is the Main Method).
static void Main(string[] args)
Dictionary<string, string> ConfigurationDictionary;
MAPort NIMAPort;
ConfigurationDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
ConfigurationDictionary.Add("ConfFilePath", "VSConfig.xml");
//create ConfigurationDictionary
if (!File.Exists("VSConfig.xml"))
// ERROR case
// Create new instance of dictonary object and write key value pair to it
ConfigurationDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
ConfigurationDictionary.Add("ConfFilePath", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() "\\VSConfig.xml");
//create MAPort
NIMAPort = new MAPort(ConfigurationDictionary);
#region Abort program if no task in config file
if (NIMAPort.TaskNames.Count < 1) // Check if at least one task is present. Otherwise, abort program
Console.Write("No task found in config file. Hit any key to abort program ");
System.Environment.Exit(-1); // Exit program
//create capture
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.Capturing.ICapture capture =
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.Capturing.ICaptureResultMemoryWriter captureResultMemWriter =
new ASAM.HILAPI.Implementation.Veristand.Capturing.CaptureResultMemoryWriter();
// Create a list to define capture variables
IList<string> captureVariables = new List<string>();
captureVariables.Add("Targets/Controller/Simulation Models/Models/Engine Demo/Outports/EngineTemp");
captureVariables.Add("Targets/Controller/Simulation Models/Models/Engine Demo/Outports/RPM");
capture.Variables = captureVariables;
// create durationWatcher. End capturing after 5s
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.WatcherHandling.IDurationWatcher durationWatcher =
new ASAM.HILAPI.Implementation.Veristand.WatcherHandling.DurationWatcher(5);
capture.SetStopTriggerCondition(durationWatcher, 0);
// Start capturing
while (capture.State != ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.Capturing.CaptureState.eFINISHED)
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.ValueContainer.IFloatValue valueRead =
(ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.ValueContainer.IFloatValue)NIMAPort.Read("Targets/Controller/Simulation Models/Models/Engine Demo/Outports/EngineTemp");
Console.WriteLine("readValue" valueRead.Value);
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////below code can throws exception
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.CaptureResult.ICaptureResult captureResult = capture.CaptureResult;
int len = captureResult.SignalGroupNames.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i )
Console.Write(captureResult.SignalGroupNames ",");
I can't get the ICaptureResult in this way.can you supply a demo about how to use ICaptureResult. thanks!!!
by the way , I can get the ICaptureResult use the fetch function , but when I use the gotten ICaptureResult, it throws other exception.
In the VSconfig.xml , what does the <TaskList> tag mean? e.g. the Task100 set the Downsampling 100Hz? but when I check the log file,it seems having no effect.
when I use capture function with this api,I want to set down sample using capture's Downsampling function. but when I check the log file,it seems having no effect.
06-03-2013 05:15 AM
Hi wulidaoxue,
in regards to question 1:
you have to switch your capture object in the eCONFIGURED state if you want to access the CaptureResult object of your capture (see page 84 of the ASAM HiL API Programmer's guide). You can achieve this by stoping your capture.
By adding the following code before accessing the CaptureResult of your capture object will stop your capture:
Console.WriteLine("capture.State=ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.Capturing.Captur eState.eFINISHED");
// stop capturing
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////below code can throws exception
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.CaptureResult.ICaptureResult captureResult = capture.CaptureResult;
concerning question 2:
The TaskList entries in the VSConfig.xml file are used to provide information about the possible log rates of the system. It has to be matched to the target rate of your NI VeriStand configuration. If you want to use downsampling, you can use the Downsampling property of your capture (e.g.: capture.Downsampling = 10). The log files are used only internally and the downsampling has no effect on them, however the captureResult will contain the "downsampled" values.
06-03-2013 06:00 AM
Hi Balazs,
thanks to your reply.
I add the code you supply and get the captureResult,but the next line's code : captureResult.SignalGroupNames throws "System.NotImplementedException".I want to get the SignalGroupNames to use the ExtractSignalValue method.
I want to use the captureResult with its ExtractSignalValue or GetSignalGroupValue methods to get this capture's result in ISingalValue or ISingalGroupValue format.
question1:the ExtractSignalValue method need signalGroupName and variable arguments, so how can I get the signalGroupName? In fact I don't know how to use signalGroupName in NI asam hil api.
question2:how to use the GetSignalGroupValue method?
when I try the two method(maybe in wrong way),I always get the "NotImplementedException".
06-03-2013 09:07 AM
Hi wulidaoxue,
SignalGroupNames are not used for the CaptureResult object. Although it is the first parameter of the ExtractSignalValue method, but it is ignored. You should use an empty string for the SignalGroupValue. Could you please test the following code for getting the result of your capture:
Console.WriteLine("capture.State=ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.Capturing.Captur eState.eFINISHED");
// stop capturing
// get CaptureResult
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.CaptureResult.ICaptureResult captureResult = capture.CaptureResult;
// Extract signal values
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.ValueContainer.ISignalValue mySig1 = captureResult.ExtractSignalValue("",captureVariables[0]);
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.ValueContainer.ISignalValue mySig2 = captureResult.ExtractSignalValue("",captureVariables[1]);
// get the values
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.ValueContainer.IFloatVectorValue time = (ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.ValueContainer.IFloatVectorValue)mySig1.XVector;
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.ValueContainer.IFloatVectorValue engineTemp = (ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.ValueContainer.IFloatVectorValue)mySig1.FcnValues;
06-04-2013 12:18 AM
Hi Balazs,
I test the code you give, and the ExtractSignalValue method works fine.
but when I try to save the captureResult with following code , it throws "NotImplementedException"
Console.WriteLine("capture.State=ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.Capturing.Captur eState.eFINISHED");
// stop capturing
// get CaptureResult
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.CaptureResult.ICaptureResult captureResult = capture.CaptureResult;
// Extract signal values
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.ValueContainer.ISignalValue mySig1 = captureResult.ExtractSignalValue("",captureVariables[0]);
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.ValueContainer.ISignalValue mySig2 = captureResult.ExtractSignalValue("",captureVariables[1]);
// get the values
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.ValueContainer.IFloatVectorValue time = (ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.ValueContainer.IFloatVectorValue)mySig1.XVector;
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.ValueContainer.IFloatVectorValue engineTemp = (ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.ValueContainer.IFloatVectorValue)mySig1.FcnValue s;
//create the ICaptureResultWriter
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.Capturing.ICaptureResultMDF40Writer writer
= new ASAM.HILAPI.Implementation.Veristand.Capturing.CaptureResultMDF40Writer("F\\test.MDF");
//or create the ICaptureResultMemoryWriter
ASAM.HILAPI.Interfaces.Common.Capturing.ICaptureResultMemoryWriter writer2
= new ASAM.HILAPI.Implementation.Veristand.Capturing.CaptureResultMemoryWriter();
//save it. the below code throws "NotImplementedException"
//save it. if use below code,it also throws "NotImplementedException"
I read the "ASAM HIL API for NI VeriStand 2012" and find out that the capture result data is saved in the TDMS file, but I don't know how to get captureResult object from the TDMS file and how to save captureResult object to TDMS file.
so, please point out how to use the captureResult' save and open methods in NI ASAM HIL API.
06-05-2013 08:11 AM
Hi wulidaoxue,
there are no CaptureResultWriters implemented at the moment that could be used for saving the CaptureResult object into a file. The TDMS log files that are created by the system used only internally. If you would like to save your capture results into a file, you could use the following code for example to save the results into a csv file:
string fileName = string.Format("{0}.csv", "MyFile");
TextWriter my_writer = new StreamWriter(fileName);
// Separator for the csv-File
string cCsvFileSeparator = ";";
my_writer.WriteLine("time ;\t EngineTemp;\t RPM");
FloatVectorValue time = (IFloatVectorValue)mySig1.XVector;
FloatVectorValue engTemp = (IFloatVectorValue)mySig1.FcnValues;
FloatVectorValue rpm_vals = (IFloatVectorValue)mySig2.FcnValues;
for (int i = 0; i < time.Count; i++)
my_writer.WriteLine("{0,12:f8} ; {1,12:f8} ; {2,12:f8}", time.Value, engTemp.Value, rpm_vals.Value);
Hope this helps.