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Embedded Data Logger Issue

We have Veristand 2012 with XP on our host machine along with a PXIe-8135 Controller (Pharlap) and we are noticing a intermitten issue with the TDMS file output from the embedded data logger.  The TDMS file will sometimes lose the signal names the data is there but the signal name gets replaced with Untitled1, Untitled 2, etc.  We are recording approx 650 parameters (spread across 2 channel groups) and file size got rather large.  So we cycled the recordings through the log command every hour to get a file size around 3 gb which seemed to address the issue. However when we wanted to do 10 minutes files recordings the issue came back.  We are currently setting our FIFO to 75 should i increasse that value even more or do think we have a seperate issue? 

Any advise/help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.  Also if you need more information from me please let me know.

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