02-12-2014 01:31 PM
i want to program the mechanical action ''Latch when pressed'' using the ''Boolean Control-Silver Green'' VI. When i chose the ''Latch when pressed'' action i obtained the following error ''Boolean latch action is incompatible with the local variables''. The same error is obtained when i chose any of the Latch mechanical action.
Could you tell me what and how i can modify in the ''Boolean Control-Silver Green'' VI to achieve my purpose???
After i want also to program a XY-Graph for using in NIVeriStand. Please could you tell me how can i achieve that ?
02-12-2014 01:37 PM
Hi Joel,
Please see the annoucement on the top of this community page about general veristand support.
02-12-2014 01:38 PM
Oh and good news - there is already an X Y graph here https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-32299