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Modbus Custom Device Feedback

I am regularly seeing error 59 from Main VI.  This seems to occur when my unit under test (cRIO 9068) is restarted.  It is common for me to restart the cRIO during my testing.  The only way I can reestablish Modbus communications is undeploy/redeploy my VeriStand sysdef.  Is there any way the custom device handle this use case better? 


0 Kudos
Message 21 of 39


I'im trying to use the Modbus custom device in Veristand 2015, but get and error: "An error occurred loading VI 'Modbus System Explorer.lvlib:Modbus Initialization'. LabVIEW load error code 10: VI version (14.0) is too old to convert to the current LabVIEW version (15.0)."

Seems strange that V14 is to old to convert to V15, any ideas?

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 39


So, this error happens when you open the source file in LV-2015, right?



0 Kudos
Message 23 of 39

Thanks for the reply Vincent,

I should have been more clear, but it is when I try to add the device in Veristand. The message headline is: "Error 1126 occurred at Open VI Reference in Custom Devices Storage.lvlib:Initialize New Custom"

When I try to open it in Labview 2015 I get a message saying that some of the VI's has no block diagram.Capture.JPG

Br Rasmus

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 39


To recap: you always need to have the Custom-Device compiled for your current version of NI-VeriStand. So, for NI-VeriStand 2015, you need to recompile the Custom-Device with LabVIEW 2015.

In order to do that:

- You need openG library installed on your machine (you can do that with VIPM from JKI).

- Then, you need to open the "ModbusPharLap.lvproj" project from "...\Modbus-Custom-Device-master\Source\ModbusPharLap LabVIEW Packed Library" folder. Execute the Build specifications. It allows to re-generate the LVLIBP for current version of LabVIEW (2015). Close the project.

- Open the "Modbus Custom Device Project.lvproj" project from "...\Modbus-Custom-Device-master\Source" folder. You should be able to open the different VIs from Configuration Page and build the Configuration Release Build Specifications. Then, you could go under the PXI target and open the RT Driver VI. Once done ans saved, you should be able to execute the Release Build Spec. under that PXI target.

It's high-level information but that should be pretty enough.

To date, I haven't had time to do the process for LV-2015 yet, sorry.



0 Kudos
Message 25 of 39

Hi Vincent,

Thanks for the recap and instruction. I think I have been able to follow you instructions, but now im facing a new problem. I know it probably doesn't have anything to do with the Modbus custom device, but I thought I would ask in here anyway.

When I add the modbus device I get an error saying the VI is not executable, but when I open it from the llb, it is executable. Any ideas?


0 Kudos
Message 26 of 39


I have seen that before and it was related to the .NET assembly I use to parse the XML configuration file. I don't know the details but it was not loaded and/or referenced correctly.

Ensure that you go back in the function that is used to parse the XML file (when you click the button "Load/Refresh"), in LabVIEW, you should be able to execute successfully that sub-VI by simply passing XML file path.

Let me know how it helps.

Best regards


0 Kudos
Message 27 of 39

I’m not sure I understand what it is you want me to do, I have found the code related to the "load/refresh" button, but it all VI's seem to be ok?Capture.JPG

0 Kudos
Message 28 of 39


There is a sub-VI called "". Can you execute it successfully in LV environment if you pass right file for xsd file and valid path for a XML file?

If not, can you simply re-point to assembly which comes with source code?

Then, rebuild the Configuration part of your CD.



0 Kudos
Message 29 of 39

Hi Rasums and Vincent,

I am about to try to use this with VS 2015 and wanted to know if you got it working? Any suggestions for building it in 2015?  Could you post working code somewhere for to grab? 

Also I am going to try to use it with Linux CRIO as well as Pharlap.  Do you think I will have any issues?



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Message 30 of 39