01-11-2012 04:34 PM
Hi guys,
I just installed the 3.2 version on my windows 7 (64 Bits) machine.
I've a minor issue in a sense that Help cannot be loaded apparently for the CD.
I assumed the CD tries to load the file "Scan Engine.chm" from "data" sub-folder and I can't open either from Windows Explorer (same error message).
What do you suggest?
- I join a screenshot of my System-Explorer Window.
- when browsing outside from this CD, help is loaded and available.
01-11-2012 04:37 PM
It could be Windows UAC blocking access to the file. From the NI VeriStand™ Execution API Documentation (where a similar problem can occur):
Tip: If you cannot view topics in the attached file after downloading the CHM, your Windows User Account Control (UAC) might be blocking files you download from the internet. To enable viewing, right-click the downloaded file and select Properties from the shortcut menu. On the General tab of the Properties dialog box, click the Unblock button.
01-11-2012 04:41 PM
Hi Devin,
Thanks for prompt reply, good catch! I unblocked it and it works now.
01-11-2012 04:43 PM
No problem! Glad that fixed it!
Unfortunately I don't know why that would show up on your computer but not on others. I guess I should make sure the fix is documented in the readme.