05-15-2012 04:13 PM
Welcome to the Real-Time Sequence Example Library Feedback. Feel free to leave comments about example sequences that you would like to see.
10-09-2012 02:05 PM
I'm not sure this is the best place to post this question, but I am looking to start/stop datalogging from inside a real-time sequence (which I don't think you can do).
Specifically, I want to change a value in an RT sequence, wait for things to stabilize and then log a very short amount of data (a few samples), then repeat until I have an entire channel sweep of data (just without the transient behavior). Is there any way to do this? I would like to avoid heavy post-processing of my data.
Matt Miller
10-09-2012 02:14 PM
Yeah its possible. When you set up your data log, specify a trigger channel like a user channel or something. Then pass that channel into your RT sequence as a parameter. Then inside your rt seq set that channel value when you want to log samples.
10-09-2012 02:24 PM
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10-10-2012 06:21 AM
Thanks for the quick response. That sounds easier than I thought. That will be very helpful when we get it working.