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VeriStand FPGA XML Builder Node Feedback

Just sharing a small "trick" about configuring the FXP format for an output

  1. Extend the FPGA XML builder node; this will create a new input
  2. Select FXP as type, for the newly created input
  3. Wire a control or constant with the right FXP format already set (I usually have typedefs for that). The FPGA XML builder input adapts it's FXP format according to the FXP format of the control/constant
  4. Unwire the control/constant
  5. Change the input to an output. FXP format is conserved
  6. Voila

This can save some time, especially when you have many values from VeriStand

Message 61 of 174

Hi Ryan,

Thanks for all the help, I was able to get everything to work.  I wanted to jot down what I found so other newbies like me can learn.

Also kudos to Mathieu for his post, I found that very useful in how to get FXP info from a device.

So for the AI (9205) reading the same on all channels, it helps to have the right COM wire connected.  I was using two independent power supplies and was referencing the wrong one to the module. As far as the FPGA code, leave as calibrated and FXP to the XML Buider, set the scale as 1.

For the Analog Outputs, I tried to use them as Calibrated instead of Raw and FXP,  I had the FXPWL and FXPIWL incorrect since I didn't know about Mathieu's trick.  I then switched the modules to Raw and output them as I16 (+/-10V) and U16 (0-20mA) and set the scale to 10 and 20 respectively.  This allowed all analog outputs to work.

I had a quadrature output from a 9411 module that was an I32 to hold the count.  I had to scale this to 2147583647 for it to work.

Also if you want to run the FPGA code while VeriStand is running, there is some addition to Ryan's procedure:

Have the RT Target containt he IP address, but don't connect using the RT Target.  Under FPGA Target, Execute on FPGA.  Under FPGA Targe-> Properties -> General, the Resource must be listed (i.e. RIO0).

Thanks to a great community for the support!

Message 62 of 174

Hi Ryan,

I created a Veristand Custom FPGA project and added 2 PWM measurements & 4 PWM outputs. After generating the .fpgaconfig under ./NI VeriStand 2014/FPGA and loaded it in Veristand, an error-7 poping out shows that the corresponding .lvbitx file is missing. But if I generate the .fpgaconfig file under ./NI Veristand 2013/FPGA and load it, a different error-2628 saying that it has issues parsing the document. Does this node work with Veristand 2014?



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Message 63 of 174

Hey Jian,

Yes, the node is compatible with VeriStand 2014.

The error 7 you're receiving in VeriStand 2014 doesn't have anything to do with the node, but rather is VeriStand saying that based on the XML you've provided, it cannot find your bitfile. So, if you look in the <Public Documents>\National Instruments\NI VeriStand 2014\FPGA directory, do you see your bitfile "My Bitfile_3.lvbitx"? If not, then move your bitfile into that folder. If "My Bitfile_3.lvbitx" isn't what you've named your bitfile, then you'll want to change the name in the node configuration screen and regenerate the XML.

As for the error 2628 when you placed the XML in the VeriStand 2013 directory, those errors also have nothing to do with the node but rather indicate that VeriStand cannot find the necessary schema and defintion files to read the XML file. Overall, if using this in VeriStand 2014, you shouldn't be saving in the VeriStand 2013 directory since it won't find the necessary files.

Hope that helps!


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Message 64 of 174

Hi Ryan,

I placed the lvbitx file under 2014/FPGA folder and it can be loaded into VS now. However, the deployment is not successful if I add this FPGA target. The log from Veristand says that it is because the FPGA is in FPGA interface C API mode, while the console shows an error-1026:VI reference is invalide.

Please note that I am also using engine simulation toolkit which requires a lvbitx file as well. And the project directory between EST and the newly added FPGA target is not the same. The EST includes two CAN modules and EtherCAT module but it does not have the DMA write or read. Will that be the issue?

----------------------------Updated on 1/13/2015------------------------------------

I just created a new project with only the FPGA added. It shows an error-0xFFFF0928 saying that the supplied resource name is invalid. But that name was discovered by LabVIEW itself when creating the project. Do you know where is the problem and how to solve it?




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Message 65 of 174

Hey JianZ,

You are correct, having the two bitfiles separately (deploying to the same FPGA target) is going to cause problems. You'd want to combine those and verify with the engine simulation support that combining them and adding both the engine simulation custom device and FPGA item will work.

As for the error you're receiving when adding just this bitfile, that could be a configuration issue within your system definition file. If you look at your added FPGA item, you'll want to ensure that the RIO device address/name match the naming convention within MAX.


However, the errors you're receiving are not specific to this add-on. If you continue to encounter these errors I'd recommnd you contanct your local support.

Hope that helps!


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Message 66 of 174


We kept using this node, latest version ( Sometimes with failures, that we don't manage to explain

Today for example, we keep getting the following error:


Which means that an unexpected error happened during code generation.

Generated code is actually broken due to lowerleft part of the code not being finished (this is an extract of the navigation window of the generated code)


Here is the generated code whose generation is not complete:


There is no error file associated to this uncomplete code generation in C:\Users\thisismydirectory\Documents\LabVIEW Data

Any clue ?

Thanks in advance

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Message 67 of 174

Me again.

Creating a separate post for this one since it's a suggestion

It would be really helpfull to be able to directly wire clusters to this node


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Message 68 of 174

Hey Mathieu,

It doesn't look like your pictures uploaded properly (or at least they're broken in my view). Can you re-post them and/or attach them to your post? Can you also attach the your VI with the FPGA XML node in it so that we can see the exact configuration that is causing this behavior?

Thanks! --Ryan_S

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Message 69 of 174


Guess you posted right before i was done editing

Could you confirm it's ok now ?

Edit: Can't really attach my VI here in a public section. One can get in touch by mail if necessary

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Message 70 of 174