NIYANTRA Discussions

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[Group H] NIYANTRA 2013:Ask Your Mentor

dear kiranvarma,

are you requesting for hardware?sorry to inform u that the hardware request dates have closed and you vere supposed to send hardware request to putting in cc.

so now

go ahead submitting your video submission.if you r through the selection and if the need arises,hardware would be provided as loaners.

Message 22 of 25

dear rajaraghav,

yes our suggestion would be chip kit

Message 23 of 25

Sir, that was really a late reply!

Any way thanks for the support!

Here i am developing the LED screen based on ARM processor

but i found a lot of difficulties while working on it.

i dont have any labview tools, but i still working in LM4F120XL (TI stellaris board processor ) and EK-LM3S811 evaluation board

1. How do i port the Stelllaris launch pad (LM4F120XL) in to LABVIEW

2. Right now i am trying with Luminary board LN3S811

Message 24 of 25

dear kiran varma,

download the toolkits here

you could access the boards by serial communication about how to use VISA in labview

Message 25 of 25