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[Group J] NIYANTRA 2013:Ask Your Mentor

This is the team-mentor interaction space for all the NIYANTRA 2013 teams belonging to Group J. If your team belongs to this group,this is the place you should be interacting with your mentors.

Make Sure You Read this Document Carefully Before Starting.

This group is being mentored by Mr E Surrenderan & Mr Thejesh Reddy N  (Electrono Solutions)

Click here for the Group Allocation List

Message 1 of 18

Respected Sir,

i am working on my project which is spy robot controlled by pc or laptop. sir. i  already design the model and completed most of hardware portion .Sir please tell me is it necessary to use hardware from labview and sir i need your advice on a particular problem which i am faceing in working of my model.sir, how i can sort out the following problem of robot :-

1.which software help  in measure the distance between its current postion and the object.

2. which software or hardware should i use for calculateing height of the objects.

3. how to make my robot self dependent to change the diretion of moveing incase of any object in the path of it.

your faithfully

neeraj choudhary

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Message 2 of 18

Hello Sir,

  I m santhosh and my project is a Wirelessly Controlled mimic robotic arm which copies the actions of the human hand. It  has ARM 7 at the human hand side and Arduino at the robotic arm side connected wirelessly by a Zigbee module. The use of labview in my project rests in the control of the robotic arm manually using the pc. That is, the servo motors controlled by arduino at the robotic arm side should be controlled by the Labview. Also the whole robotic arm setup will be mounted on a moving platform. So the moving vehicle also has to be steered using labview. I have attached the abstract of the project.

-)First how to control or interface Arduino or anyother micros other than RIO with labview for controlling servo motors sir? ( I have labview robotics toolkit). A sample model is attached. The bot has 6 DOF when it is at rest.

-)Next how to use the steering of vehicles which has two DC motors using labview.(The vehicle is also controlled by Arduino)

Thanks and regards,

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Message 3 of 18

Hello Sir,

We would like to know if there is any other controller that is compatible with labview code. I hve done an extensive search on this and found none other then Arduino. Our project is to implement an intelligent traffic controller for which we need to use a microcontroller. I would like to know if it is better to use Arduino itself, or any NI hardware component is available. I have come across NI fpga board and RIO. Which one is better?

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Message 4 of 18

Hi Choudhry,

Kindly send me your project Abstract. once i understand i will revert back.

Thank You


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Message 5 of 18

Hi Neeha,

Kindly send me your project Abstract.  i will revert back asap.

Thank You


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Message 6 of 18

respected sir,

We would like to know if there is any other controller that is compatible with labview code. I hve done an extensive search on this and found none other then Arduino. Our project is to implement an intelligent traffic controller for which we need to use a microcontroller. I would like to know if it is better to use Arduino itself, or any NI hardware component is available. I have come across NI fpga board and RIO. Which one is better?

Here is a copy of my abstract.

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Message 7 of 18

hello sir,

I'm Nirmal and my project is Aritifical guide to visually challenged person.Sir, i couldn't interface my laptop cam with labview and i shows an error..i have downloaded the visual assistant software but still i couldn't interface.How could i interface my lap cam with labview ? .Could i know any other micro controller other than arduino.

Thanks and regards,

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Message 8 of 18

Hi Nirmal,

          Try re-installing the Vision development module once again ,since the evaluation period might have expired  and

Here are few microcrontrollers supported from LabVIEW  ...........

All the Best


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Message 9 of 18

Hi neeha,

           Reg the microcontroller refer the link it depends on your application which to use...

In RIO based NI  boards u have many analog and digital channels with good sampling rate and can be made standalone...chk and let me know..

All the Best


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Message 10 of 18