NIYANTRA Discussions

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NIYANTRA 2013 - The Official Discussion Thread


NIYANTRA is an autonomous embedded systems design contest open only to engineering students which encourages you to build a complete working system within the project period available to them in their curriculum. The competing teams design and build systems for mobile, networked or standalone applications performing various intelligent tasks using LabVIEW and other toolkits. Winners walk away with prizes worth 1.25 lakhs, an opportunity for a pre-placement interview and eligibility to take up the CLAD certification exam.

Register your team & download the Abstract Submission Guidleines

To enter the contest, register your team and send your project abstract to before March 31st, 2013.

Please ensure you have read the NIYANTRA 2013 Rules & FAQ before registering.

For more information, visit

Stay connected with NI India on Facebook & Twitter for updates on the contest.

Post your queries here regarding the contest. Get help and also help your peers.

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Message 1 of 84

how do we start?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 84

You will find all information on

First you have to reguster and submit your project abstract. Go to the link above to find all these details.

Also, this is on Facebook!/photo.php?fbid=489167324476844&set=a.2742303...

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 84

sir, Please guide me how to fill in the contest form.Wat does the "Name" column at the beginning of the submission form indicate?Does it indicate about the name of the project or the name of the person entering the information?should I include the names of my team members and the faculty guide into the abstract?

Should I write even the department we are from?

Please do clarify my queries.

Thank You.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 84

* For the Name Field : Name of the team leader or the Name of the person entering the information

* As mentioned, please include the name of your team members and faculty guide

* You need not mention you department in the registration form. You can mention it however in the abstract.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 84

Hello all,

I am willing to take part in Niyantra 13,  but I have a  couple of doubts

Can I use another languages along with the labview ?

My project requires other APIs too, so I will have to go with those languages too.

Is it okay?

What if I don't use LabView at all ?

hopping for your reply.


have a great time ahead.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 84

You are allowed to use other programming languages and tools with LabVIEW. Pl note that your project needs to include LabVIEW.

Message 7 of 84

Where this competitionwill be hel?

or we just have to submit our work online??

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 84

The first round comprises of submission of your project abstract by mailing it to by April 15, 2013. Once your abstract is shortlisted, you will be required to develop a working application out of it over a period of 3-4 months. You and your team physical presence will be required only at the grand finale (around September 2013)  where you and your team will present your application to a judging panel.

Message 9 of 84


I've went through all the requirements in the application form but I don't know what to be presented in Estimated timeframe section. Whether i've to give duration of completion of my project or what?

One more query, If I'm not using LabView would you reject my project?

Kindly reply asap...Thanks in advance..

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Message 10 of 84