NOBLUG - North Of Britain LabVIEW User Group

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New member introduction

Dear North of Britain LabVIEW User Group newcomers,


So that we can get to know each other better in this community, we, the Community Admin Team, would like to ask you to leave a few lines to introduce yourselves. Things to consider should be:


1. What motivates you to join the North of Britain LabVIEW User Group?

2. What experience do you have in the area of ​​LabVIEW (possibly certifications, projects, training, coursework, etc.)?

3. Other NI related areas of expertise?  

4. How did you become aware of this user group?

5. Anything else you don’t want to withhold from us.

6. Optional: A photo to relieve our poor memory of names


Have fun using this platform - we look forward to a lively exchange of experiences!

Message 1 of 13

Hello World!


My name is Ioan Polenciuc but many may already know me as John. I am a member of Hampel Software Engineering where besides creating better software, we also enjoy being involved in the community. Together with #teamhampelsoft and all the members in this group we would like to extend the NI tool chain community borders (but let's face it, the vast majority started with LabVIEW) towards the north of the UK.

I used to teach LabVIEW as a postgraduate at the University of York and then got more and more experience within the industry. Now working towards getting my certifications (so what better way to share experiences in this regard than a user group) and recently got my CLD and can occasionally be found banging my head against Teststand.

3D printing and tinkering with hardware are some sort of specialty but I am sure we can discuss more on this topic at our future meets.


Ioan HSE Photo.jpg


Message 2 of 13

Hello everyone,

My name is Jörg Hampel and my professional interest lies in software engineering in small teams, with a focus on process and workflow standardisation and automation. 


I have been creating software for a living for more than two decades, working with NI's technology stack since 2007, with the LabVIEW community being one of the greatest assets in the NI ecosystem. My persona is outgoing and extrovert, and as such I enjoy speaking with and in front of people. Put these two things together and it's a no-brainer that we kicked off the Würzburg LabVIEW User Group (or WUELUG) here in our region back in 2018. It has been going very well, and we love meeting our #LabVIEWfriends once every 3 or 4 months. 


I'm the owner of Hampel Software Engineering (, where we specialise in working with teams of software developers to increase the quality of their software through improved development processes. All the boring details can be found in my LinkedIn profile.


Anyhow, I'm looking forward to supporting my colleague Ioan with standing up and running the NOBLUG, replicating the success of our WUELUG and bringing joy and knowledge to all the #LabVIEWfriends in the North Of Britain region.

Let's do this!



DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshops (Fab, Steve, Brian and me)
Release Automation Tools for LabVIEW (CI/CD integration with LabVIEW)
HSE Discord Server (Discuss our free and commercial tools and services)
DQMH® (Developer Experience that makes you smile )

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13

Hi Everyone


I am Jonathan Hobson (Jono), based in Sheffield & currently a Principal Solutions Engineer within the Transportation Business Unit @ NI/Emerson. I've been at NI for 4 years now & previously was the Systems Engineering Group Lead @ TBG Solutions. I have been using LabVIEW for around 13 years, I did my university internship at NI & have been a CLA since 2018 (I think!?). My daily role is less hardcore LV development and more primarily leading medium to large project teams in ADAS HiL & EoL Production Test systems for current and next generation Vehicle ECUs and Sensors.


I've talked at NI Week/Days, GDevCon & other LUGs & I remember being part of the Sheffield LUG ~10 years ago so great to see something being setup for a larger audience!


Looking forward to attending/presenting at some point!


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Message 4 of 13

Welcome Jono! Great to have you! 

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13


I am John Medland - Senior Systems Engineer at Control Software Solutions and runner of rival North-West LabVIEW User Group (although we have been pretty quiet post pandemic-lockdowns). I am based in Manchester and the office is situated in Saddleworth, near the Greater Manchester and Yorkshire boarder.

I like developing software and talking about software development, especially LabVIEW, and I like spying on neighbouring LabVIEW Groups.

I have been using LabVIEW since 2007 and a CLA since 2016-ish and have worked on LabVIEW applications as an engineer at a particle accelerator and an academic at the University of Manchester before joining CSS around 10 months ago.

I heard about this group from a HSE blog post and I am excited to hear more and try and attend any online/in-person meetings you host.


Message 6 of 13

Welcome, John! No such thing as rivalries here:)). I am currently based just North of Newcastle, near Morpeth so we're hoping to cover the remainder of the map, going further North end East, but the LabVIEW spirit is the same, regardless of the area. Great to have you!

Message 7 of 13



I'm Leah Edwards. I'm an Electronics Integration Engineer at Dyson, where I use LabVIEW as a tool for testing new vacuum cleaner designs and proving out new ideas. In the past I've worked on System Verification (with a massive LabVIEW-TestStand architecture and global team) and as a Process Development Engineer at Renishaw. 


I started LabVIEW as an Applications Engineer intern at NI in 2015 and got my CLA in 2019. 


I'm currently located in the South West - the nearest I've ever got to the north was that I lived in Loughborough for 3 years, but it's really North Midlands. My 'north' line is just above Nottingham, though it's debatable. So I'm unlikely to attend in person, I'm just joining so I can get notified when the sessions are and attend online if that's an option, or watch back anything of interest afterwards. 😊 Hope that's okay! 

Message 8 of 13

Hi everyone,


I'm Pete Horn, I've just passed my 20 year anniversary of being at NI! I have (probably expired) CLA/CTA certifications but have been building LabVIEW based systems for most of my time at NI. Currently working in our customer solutions team with Jono and focusing on test and build automation with a view to making our processes more efficient. This has meant I'm getting more involved with tools outside of the NI toolchain like Python and Docker....


I'm based in Scotland (about 20 miles west of Glasgow) so will hopefully be able to attend some of the events starting with #1!


I've been to (and presented at) tons of CLA summits, NI Week, NI Days and other user group events in the past (I used to run the Cambridge LUG with Richard Thomas) but apart from GDevCon 2023, its ages since I've been to anything - so I'm looking forward to meeting up with everyone.




Message 9 of 13

We are growing in numbers! It is great and I for one am getting very excited. Welcome @leahmedwards , @PNHorn !

Part of my excitement is also the fact that we'll be having two user group meetings in a relatively short time, in two different places. The first one is our pilot meeting, in Newcastle, 15th of May and the second one, where we still have a few things to prepare, in Edinburgh 25th June. 
As a young user group, we are interested in finding out what our community is interested in, so the themes and discussions in our meetings can be tailored accordingly. Post your ideas on the forum and maybe someone already has an old presentation about it somewhere, right? 

Message 10 of 13