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Access Denied Real Time

Hello all

On my Laptop I have both LabVIEW 2013 and LabVIEW 2014 installed.

Receintly I tried to rework BYOES from scratch but when I tried to run the real time VI I got the following error

Access denied: This target is running a version of LabVIEW that is different than LabVIEW that is on the host computer.  For real time target you can verify the version and reinstall the Real Time Software using Max.

I have attached screen prints which might help.

I might have tried to use LabVIEW 2014 and that did not work and then retried to work the project in LabVIEW 2013.  I have tried to start new project from scratch and also a new project from an new copy of the unzip project and no mater what I do I am getting this error.

I no longer work for a company that I have access the LabVIEW install disks. 

I have been trying to run this more in LabVIEW 2013 because I know at one time I was able to create a real time application .

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions that can get me up and running with my sbRIO.

Thank you in advance

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Message 1 of 3

Hi blocmarc,

Looking at the screen shot you supplied, it appears you have LabVIEW RT version 11.0.1 installed on the sbRIO target. As you have discovered this is not compatible with LaVIEW 2013 or 2014. If you have the LabVIEW RT modules and NI-RIO drivers, installed for the later versions of LabVIEW you will need to update the target by using the Add/Remove Software option in MAX (select Software under the target). You should see "LabVIEW Real Time XX.0" as an installation option, where XX is the version. Install the version you wish to use.

You say you do not have the installation DVDs for LabVIEW.  You can download the modules and drivers from the NI web site. Be warned that you risk reverting back to evaluation mode if you install new versions of LabVIEW software. Under no circumstances should you upgrade to LV 2014 SP1; you will break your license.

If you want to get a licensed version of LabVIEW for personal use check out the LabVIEW Home Bundle for $49. Unfortunately no Real Time is included, but you get a Full Development System for personal use.

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Message 2 of 3

Thanks so much you are dead on.

I really appreciate your help!  I can gain a lot of value from going over this project.  Your help has been priceless !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Message 3 of 3