12-06-2016 09:24 AM
I bought the Rio Eval Kit and installed everything.
When trying to connect using the wizard i get this error message. Connecting via USB or Ethernet both results in this error.
Does anyone know what is wrong?
01-24-2017 01:49 PM
I received the same error. I was able to get around it by manually installing the necessary drivers through NI-MAX.
08-07-2019 06:09 AM
Got exactly the same error when connecting via USB or via X-ed Ethernet connection. I did set up the ip-address to (Subnet with USB or (Subnet with with a direct ethernet connection on my local notebook.
09-13-2019 10:40 AM
got the same issue. seems there is a glitch in their instruction in the newly shipped unit. it would require an extra step after installing the pc sw and power up the sbrio. i.e. use ni max to install sw onto the sbrio. otherwise the eval kit sw would not work at the last step.