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Error -1074135024 with dual channel arbitrary sequence mode on PXIe-5451

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I am trying to use both channels on my PXIe-5451, and to run it in arbitrary sequence mode.


At the Initiate Generation step, I get Error -1074135024: 

Possible reason(s):
Invalid value for parameter or property.

The attribute values are not similar in the channels or capabilities specified. Use a single channel name or a capability name to query the value.


Unfortunately, I have no idea which parameter or property value is causing the error.


Originally I was trying this with my own VI, and I could run each channel individually, but couldn't get them both to run together. As a finally troubleshooting attempt, I decided to modify the Fgen Arbitrary Waveform (Dual Channel) example (which did work correctly), to see if I could get it to work with arbitrary sequences. I still get the same error. I'm attaching that modified VI, as it's quite a bit simpler than the ones I'm trying to run.


I am running Labview 2012.0.1f3 (32-bit) on a Windows 7 Enterprise (64-bit) OS.


Thank you for any help you can offer on how to fix this problem!



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12

Hi Bill,


Could you run the VI on your end with highlight execution to see which VI throws the error? You can also choose to retain wire values so that you can more easily see the error value when it's generated. Let me know what you find.

Robert B
RF Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

Sorry, I thought I had made that sufficiently clear, but I should have just included the full error statement text. The error occurs during the niFgen Initiate Generation VI:


Error -1074135024 occurred at niFgen Initiate Generation.vi



Possible reason(s):
Invalid value for parameter or property.


The attribute values are not similar in the channels or capabilities specified. Use a single channel name or a capability name to query the value.



Also, just a bit of additional information, I am running NI-FGEN 2.91, and my chassis is a PXIe-1082.




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12

Hi Bill,


It's possible that we can't do arbitrary sequence mode with two channels in the same task. Let's try running the niFgen Query Arb Sequence Capabilities VI. Here is a help file associated with the function. Let me know what the outputs to this were for your 5451. I would test this here, but I do not have a 5451 at my disposal.



Robert B
RF Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12

Hmm, so it definitely knows something about the number of channels I am trying to run at once. I get different answers to the capabilities query for different numbers of channels.


Here are the outputs from niFgen Query Arb Sequence Capabilities VI:


Channel input to niFgen Configure Channels VI = '0':

Minimum sequence length: 1

Maximum sequence length: 33554421

Maximum number of sequences: 134217696

Maximum loop count: 16777215


Channel input to niFgen Configure Channels VI = '0,1':

Minimum sequence length: 1

Maximum sequence length: 16777205

Maximum number of sequences: 67108832

Maximum loop count: 16777215

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12



I was able to reproduce the error you are seeing. Doing a little more research, this should be possible. I have tried to modify a shipping example for arbitrary sequence generation with two channels. I've attached it here. Let me know if you are able to run this successfully.

Robert B
RF Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

Hi Robert,


Any chance you could send me a version of the VI for Labview 12?


Thank you,


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12



No problem. Try this attachment.

Robert B
RF Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
Message 8 of 12
Accepted by topic author wrrose2

So with help from your VI I seem to have figured out how to get this to work.


First, from your VI I noticed that I should wire the specific channel I want only to the niFgen Create Waveform VI, but not to the niFgen Configure Arbitrary Sequence VI. For that I should either leave the channel input blank, or input "0,1". This gets rid of the original error message that prompted this post.


Your VI works, but seems to be designed to write to just one channel at a time. However, I noticed that if I run it with all waveforms set to channel 0, then change the waveforms to be set to channel 1, and hit load & sequence, the waveforms will be output correctly from both channel 0 and channel 1.


Eventually I worked out that the trick is to create one arbitrary sequence, so use the niFgen Create Arbitrary Sequence and niFgen Configure Arbitrary Sequence VIs, with waveforms directed at just one channel. Then run the niFgen Clear Arbitrary Memory VI, then create another arbitrary sequence for the other channel. After that, run the niFgen Initiate Generation VI. And everything works fine! I'm not sure why having the Clear Arbitrary Memory VI in the middle is important, but it seems to be critical to getting this to work correctly.


I have uploaded my relatively simple test VI that runs correctly using this arrangement.


Thank you very much for your help.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

Well, it's 2018 now and I had the exact same problem with my new PXIe-5423.  Glad this was here because intuitively I was going about this exactly the same way.  Why doesn't the input say channel names?  With an S!  If there were an S I would have known that I should include both channel names into one string instead of call the same VI twice, once for each channel!  There is absolutely no way to know that you have to have both channel names in the string without getting additional help.  My tester isn't online so it took be a day before I could get online to look for solutions.  

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Message 10 of 12