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How to connect PXIe 1075 with system controller to external PC

Hello All,


Can anyone let me know is that possible to connect and configure PXIe 1075 with system controller to external PC with Windows7.



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Message 1 of 5

If you have a system controller with Windows installed on it, your PXI chassis is essentially a stand alone PC. Therefore, you can connect/configure it in the same way you would any other computer. If the PXI controller is connected to the internet, you can access it through remote desktop. 

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Message 2 of 5



I've got a similar problem. I'm not using an internet connection but instead a direkt LAN connection to a desktop PC. Unfortunately I cannot connect to the Network. The IPv4-Adresse from the controller is, the Adapter-IP-Adress shown on the PC is Subnet-mask:

I cannot identify the problem...Just one more thing: how can I change an existing network that hasn't been recognized by the system from "public" to "home"?


Thanx a lot




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Message 3 of 5

So as I understand it, I have to remote login - can it be setup as a remote terminal like th old pxi 1000's or the pxie 1082?  As a simi non related question, I'm having trouble with max running test panels on the PXI 7851R.  I have no issue with the pxie 6358.  When they show up in max the 6358 has the curcuit card symbol in front of it but the 7851R has a LabView symbol in front of it.



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Message 4 of 5

Dear All,


The idea is to use external PC which can have full control of PXI card (RFSG, RFSA, DMM, Multiplexer, DAQ & other module) in the PXIe 1075. Basically do not want to use the embedded controller. Any idea?



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Message 5 of 5