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PXI 2527 Pinout and Singal Matching

The information/datasheet page only has the following picture for pinout. The connector has 100 pins, but there are only 70 pins in this table. Can I have a more comprehensive pinout description table? For example, this matching table does not have GND. Which pin is GND? And what are the rest unlisted pins matching to?

 PXI - 2527 Pin Matching.PNG

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Message 1 of 4

Please refer to the Topology specific pinouts here - https://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/375472H-01/TOC46.htm


If you need help in understanding the pinout, please specify the topology you're using and the application.

Soliton Technologies

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Message 2 of 4

Your link is what I already found, and my screen shot is actually copied from that page. I am using the 4-wire 16:1 topology. Like I said in my original question, can you tell me which pin out of this 100 pin is ground? And your matching table only has 70 pins listed, what are the rest of the 30 pins out of the 100 pins?


Can you click on this link (the topology I am using) https://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/375472H-01/switch/2527_4-wire_16x1_mux/, and scroll to the bottom table, you will see what I mean. It's lacking information that other topologies have.

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Message 3 of 4

4-wire topology means, a group of 4-wires are considered as a signal or channel and you can switch 16 such signals into com0



Now, to answer, where is the GND, there is NO GND - it is a switch, a switch contains terminals and NO GND - why do you need a GND signal??

To answer what about the rest of the 30 pins, they are not used for the 4-wire 16:1 topology, you should not connect any signals to them.

Soliton Technologies

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