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PXI-4110 vi; can not access all channels simultaneously

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Hello all.  I am making a VI for operating the PXI-4110.    I want to use a VI instead of the SFP so I can put some documentation onscreen for users.  Ok, so I have much of the VI made.  I am using a State Machine for this program, which may not be the best solution.  My major problem is that I can not access all three channels simultaneously.  If I change channels while the program runs, I get error 1074135008 "Unknown channel or capability name."  If I set a channel at the start of the program, that channel will run.


I know there was a property that affected whether all three channels run together or can be accessed individually.  The default runs all three.  I would have used that, except then I couldn't control turning a channel on or off.


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Accepted by topic author Dhouston



I extensively use NI DC power parallelism for my production test.

In the provided screenshot, you are opening a single session for all 3 channels and try to access all channels in parallel. NI DC power instruments are capable of having per channel sessions.



Solution is to create separate sessions for each of the channel, then you would be able to control them in parallel without errors.



So, you would have 3 sessions, where each session is dedicated to each channel. Changes to appropriate sessions will allow you to control only that channel, this way you can do all instrument configurations on per-channel basis.

Soliton Technologies

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Thank you!  That is exactly what I needed.

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