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PXI Chassis Not Recognized Correctly in MAX

Hi, i have an ADlink pxis-2670 14 slot chassis and NI pxi-8110 controller that do not seem to identify properly in max. I have the latest chassis and controller ini files installed but when i identify the chassis as a pxis-2670 it just shows pxi backplane in max. This would be fine, all the pxi modules are correctly listed (although the pxi-8110 seems to disappear after i identify the chassis) but i dont have the standard trigger bus routing option tab. I would like to route a trigger from bus 1 to bus 2. This doesn't seem to be possible unless there is a way to do so in the advanced visa options?


I have tried clearing the configuration many times and starting over but this hasn't helped. Any suggestions or alternate ways to connect the trigger buses?


I've attached some screenshots from max as well as the pxisys.ini file that was generated.





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Message 1 of 9

I should add, the problem seems identical to the one below and i do have the latest pxi platform services installed



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Message 2 of 9

By "clearing the configuration" are you refering to resetting MAX or resetting the pxisys.ini file? Both of these steps should be taken for troubleshooting. Also, can you post your MAX Techincal Report?

Rachel P. | Applications Engineer | National Instruments
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Message 3 of 9



I have the same problem. 


My system consist of ADLINK PXI chassis 2700 (http://www.adlinktech.com/PD/marketing/Manual/PXIS-2700/PXIS-2700_Manual_1.pdf) which has no controller but ADLINK card  PXI8570 connected to ADLINK PCI8570 in PC(http://www.adlinktech.com/PD/marketing/Manual/PCI-8570,PXI-8570/PCI-8570,PXI-8570_Manual_3.pdf). In the chassis I have also Pickering Cards and NI-GPIB. Recently I was forced to change PC from one that was working on WinXP (and all was working well) for one that works on Win7. Since that I can not identify chassis. Error occures: "Error 0XFFFB388E - This chassis has been identified but is not described in the pxi(e)sys.ini for this system.  An error occurred enumerating the chassis". 

I tried different solution found in internet: resetting MAX, deleting pxisys.ini file, I've tried this: http://forums.ni.com/t5/Machine-Vision/Chassis-not-identified-in-NI-MAX/td-p/789538. Nothing works.


My pxisys.ini files is always 'empty':

Major = 2
Minor = 4
Name = "National Instruments"
Version = "15.0.0"
Timestamp = "12/02/15 10:00:23 W. Europe Standard Time"
ChassisList = ""
[PXI System]
ChassisList = ""


I have installed: NI PXI Platforme Service, ADLINK PXI Platform Services,and ADLINK PXI Platform Description. I copied files as here; ftp://support.danbit.dk/O/OPTO32I32PCI/Driver/Driver%20Installation/PXI%20Platform/PXI%20Platform%20...

(+ drivers for Pickering Interfaces and GPIB)


In MAX I have created report with some configuration files. 


If anyone has an idea, please, help!


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Message 4 of 9

ADLink controllers are notoriously bad for their interoperability with other resources managers (as indicated by their manual system identification process that NI migrated from forever ago).  This kind of setup is more likely to work with an older software stack (pre PXI PS 4.0).  You can also try manually selecting MAX as your resource manager on the system page in MAX for the controller and see if that helps.  Ultimately, though, it may be an issue of ADLink not following the spec properly.


Hannah Z.

Applications Engineering

National Instruments

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Message 5 of 9

I already did that - National Instruments is selected as a resource manager. 

I followed all troubleshooting: selecting resource maneger, reseting configuration in MAX, deleting pxisys.ini file, installing and reinstalling all drivers, removed other instruments (I had also WFIP PCI card), checked TCP port 6166. 


I was wandering: http://forums.ni.com/t5/Machine-Vision/Chassis-not-identified-in-NI-MAX/td-p/789538 because finally I haven't found the answer: "what is the additiona error checking" (like in message 1) and "what is the difference in MAX versions". 


I checked on old system (win XP with LabView 7.1) - no additional files from ADLink were needed for whole system to work. There was no pixsys.ini file. 


Because from what I understand is that MAX is suppose to create pxisys.ini file on the basis of ADLink-2700.ini, ADLink-8570.ini and pxiBrdge.ini. I have all files, I copied them as indicated in manual. But neither ADLink-8570 nor pxiBrdge are not seen in MAX. When I choose (for PCI controller) "identify as ..." there is no this files in menu (attachment screenshot 2). Also some others from NI are missing. There are in folder with Hardware Description, but ther are not 'avaliabe' in MAX. These are files with MXI. And when I looked inside I see that the structure of these files and ADLink-8570 are similar. 


When I created pxisys.ini (attachment) file by myself adding ChassisList = "1" and after all what is inside ADLink-2700.ini, then MAX saw chassis as a backplane, but in the same time Windows 'lost' somehow GPIB driver and I can not see GPIB card that is in PXI chassis (attachment screenshot 1). All drivers are present. See in screenshots what is installed. 


ADLink support is already informed about this issue. I'm waiting for the answer. 



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Message 6 of 9

Hi Dorota,


Now that it is showing up in NI MAX, you may want to refer to this forum which gives steps for identifying your device as a bus which can then be switched to a chassis. It may be worth a try for your setup, seeing as none of the usual preliminary troubleshooting steps were effective for you.




It is also possible your pxisys.ini files are corrupt, but it looks like you already went through troubleshooting steps for that case. With 3rd party hardware, it is usually a bit difficult to troubleshoot because it could be issues on either end. Please note on the forum if ADLink has additional steps that prove to be effective.




Hannah Z.

Applications Engineering

National Instruments

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Message 7 of 9


After a long brake I have update of my problem. 

For the chassis recognizion I was using wrong bus number - so simple ... . I was sure that is was PCI bus number 2 (the one that is shower under Device manager for Star Fabric PXI/PCI bus card) but in fact it was 4 (There is few cards inside the chassis. and number 4 is one that lies the "highest" on the device manager tree - view by connection). (Thanks to ADLink support)

But in fact my problem was deeper. Even with recognized chassis my GPIB card was not working. This was caused by PXI/PCI ADLink card which was not working correctly with Win7. It was tricky to find it out - because it looked fine. Drivers were installed, card was configured, LEDs indicating connection were in good mode. I run Pickering "diagnostic utility" - as that were the last cards I haven't checked. And then I got an error message concerning Star Fabric device (PXI/PCI card) that was not compatibile with Win7. After contacting Pickering I got un upgrade for the PXI/PCI card. After upgrate - all works as it should. No conflicts between different devices and all works with Win7. 

Message 8 of 9

Hi Dorota,


Glad to hear things are working well for you now! We truly appreciate you taking the time to post an update to let us know the outcome. Best of luck with your projects!





Applications Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 9 of 9