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PXI remote booting not working in PXIe- 1084

Dear Team,

we are using this NI PXIe-1084 with NI PXIe-PCIe8375 Controller with MXI Express for my project.
My need was to control PXI booting remotely. As per suggestion from NI forum, we have tried NIPXIRemoteConfig.exe, but it dosenot worked and it show "No Supported Controllers found".

The help available in this link is not working :

 https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z0000019MTWSA2&l=en-IN   Is there any other options available for this? Kindly help with the same.

Sridhar Anbu,
Project Engineer,
Unilogic Technologies.
Email: Sridhar.unilogic@gmail.com

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Hi Sridhar,


The PXIe-8375 won't work with the NIPXIRemoteConfig.exe because it's a fiber optic connection. The fiber optic signal doesn't contain the sideband signals that typically carry the #WAKE signal that used to remotely power on the chassis.


Does you 1084 have the Timing and Sync Upgrade? If it does, you can put the chassis itself into Manual mode and use the inhibit signal to remotely power on the chassis. The Timing and Sync Upgrade is required, because it includes the DSUB connector that exposes the pin for the inhibit signal. 


If you don't have the Timing and Sync upgrade, then putting the chassis in Manual mode will cause the chassis to turn on anytime AC power is connected.



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