06-21-2018 02:08 PM
I am having troubles getting my PXIe-2525 card up and running. I am hoping I am doing something foolish. Below is a detail of my setup and my troubleshooting so far. I hope someone has a nugget of information that get me on the right track.
Windows 10 64 bit PC
PXIe-1078 Chassis
PXIe-8360 MXI card (for communications)
NI-DAQmx 18.0
I always boot the PXI chassis up before my computer.
In the same chassis I was able to get my PXI-2530B and PXI-6513 cards up and running.
I am able to see the 2525 card in my device manager but it says windows has not associated a driver with it. Any attempts to manually link the driver have been unsuccessful.
I have tried to re-install NI-SWITCH by first uninstalling and then re-installing. I have tried to repair NI-SWITCH from within the add/remove programs.
I have tried to switch the card position in the chassis.
I am at a loss for next steps. Please chime in if you have some ideas...
Solved! Go to Solution.
06-21-2018 05:25 PM
Here are some snapshots of some points of interest...
06-22-2018 04:38 PM
Can you please try this-> https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000P8awSAC
If this doesn't work for me look like the card is faulty and would be better supported from NI.
06-22-2018 04:40 PM
Just to follow up...I was able to get the PXIe-2525 to work. Previously I had been uninstalling and reinstalling NI Switch discretely. The uninstall and reinstall of NI Switch using the NI Package Manager did the trick.
05-22-2023 08:23 AM
I have had problems with the NI PXIe-2525 card as well for well over a year.
Most notably is the fact that it there is no support for simulation of this device in NI MAX. In other words you MUST have the physical card installed in a PXI chassis in order to create your NISE Virtual Device Route Groups prior to integration.
Also, even though it is reasonably plug and play with most NI devices, I have a brand new, almost fully loaded PXIe-1084 18 slot chassis connected to a PC with a new MXI bridge, and I also have a brand new PXIe-2525 card in slot 12.
Every other card in the chassis (including 4 Pickering devices using IVI drivers) is pretty much PNP (recognized) except for the new PXIe-2525 in slot 12.
It was recommended in a different blog that resetting the database in NI MAX + reboot the system would fix this. It did not.
Next, I am going to try and uninstall and then re-install NISE... using NIPM. The problem is I can't put the computer on the network.