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PXIe-2525 Not working

PCI to MXI Card in PC:

NI PCIe-8361



NI PXIe-1078


PXI to MXI Card in Chassis

NI PXIe-8360


PXI Cards

NI PXI-2530

NI PXI-6513

NI PXIe-2525 (Device in question)


I have had issues in the past with the PXIe-2525 not working. I solved it last time by uninstalling and reinstalling NI-Switch. This time, however, I cannot get it to appear in DAQ-MAX. I have tried moving slots of the 2525, removing all cards other than the 2525, uninstalling  the entirety of the NI suite and reinstalling.

At this point I'm am leaning towards an issue with the 1078 chassis as the 2525 was sent to NI last year with an evaluation of "device is working in their system". Is anyone else having trouble with a similar setup using the 2525 and what steps can I take to get this working again?

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I have had problems with the NI PXIe-2525 card as well for well over a year.


Most notably is the fact that it there is no support for simulation of this device in NI MAX. In other words you MUST have the physical card installed in a PXI chassis in order to create your NISE Virtual Device Route Groups prior to integration.


Also, even though it is reasonably plug and play with most NI devices, I have a brand new, almost fully loaded PXIe-1084 18 slot chassis connected to a PC with a new MXI bridge, and I also have a brand new PXIe-2525 card in slot 12.


Every other card in the chassis (including 4 Pickering devices using IVI drivers) is pretty much PNP (recognized) except for the new PXIe-2525 in slot 12.


It was recommended in a different blog that resetting the database in NI MAX + reboot the system would fix this. It did not.


Next, I am going to try and uninstall and then re-install NISE... using NIPM. The problem is I can't put the computer on the network. 

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