04-10-2016 11:06 PM
I have a PXIe-7820R FPGA. The code I'm running was written for a 7813R, which has a different number of pins/channels. This means that I've had to reassign some of the I/O's such that I'm now using pins on two connectors.
Is there in existence a "1 to 2" cable - VHDCI 68 pin on all ends - that can connect the one port on the back of my PC to several ports on the FPGA?
I currently have one cable like this: http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/modelpopup/p/pcat/18574/lang/en
04-12-2016 10:07 AM
Hi jimjam,
You may be able to buy a third-party connector converter; however, NI doesn't sell these, unfortunately. Best of luck!