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Testing Simple Matrix for Shorts/Opens

My NI support contract expired, so I was hoping someone could do a sanity check on a pretty simple system I've layed out before I renew it and go to a FAE. It's been awhile since I dabbled in this stuff.


I have an application where I want to test, say, a 5x5 matrix of electrical conductors for opens and shorts. My idea is to drive a voltage (say, 10V) on the first conductor in the X dimension. Then, check each additional X conductor using a DMM to check for 0V (no shorts). Then, I want to check each Y conductor to verify they are getting 10V (no opens). I'll then step through driving 10V on each additional X conductor, verifying no shorts to the other X conductors.


I'll then swap the process around: drive the first conductor in the Y dimension, check for 10V at the other Y conductors to detect shorts. If my testing above passed, I'll already know I don't have any opens in the Y dimension, so I can stop there. 


I've done a crude layout in Word using some PXI components that I think will get the job done. The PXI-2527 would run in two-wire mode (it would actually give me 16 channels, so technically I suppose I could hook both the X and Y conductors to it, but my actual matrix is much larger, so disregard for now).


Any thoughts, corrections, or simplifications are welcome. 

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Cool layout jvavra! Paint rocks!    lml


Why don't you just measure continuity with the DMM?


It would depend on the specifications of the test, but, why would you use the power supply?


here they talk about it http://forums.ni.com/t5/Digital-Multimeters-DMMs-and/Continuity-testing-and-NI-4072-DMM/td-p/3063967

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