07-19-2016 05:59 AM
I updated NI-DCpower from version 9 to the last version. There were many errors in the update process because the system couldn't delete old version but after some trials looks like DCPower has been updated to 15.1
Now I can see all my instruments correctly within MIMAX even the alias names. We are using the alias name to initializate instruments using python, now I can not do that since I get the error:
VisaIOError: VI_ERROR_RSRC_NFOUND: Insufficient location information or the requested device or resource is not present in the system.
On the other hand if I use the address the instrument works.
gpib_address: 'GPIB::29'}
Any idea?
07-20-2016 04:52 AM
Hola Jose,
could you make sure you have checked everything in the VISA settings, like shown in this KB:
Can I Use Both National Instruments (GPIB) and Agilent/HP (HPIB) Controllers in the Same System? - National Instruments
07-26-2016 09:16 AM
The problem was a mess trying to update DCPOWER since windows couldn't delete the old version. The only solution was to delete all NI software and install everything again from the begining.