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anti-aliasing filter calculation


I would like to connect instrumentational amplifier to one of the analog inputs (in RSE mode) of the PXI-6259 DAQ. Im wondering how to optimally choose values for Rf and Cf of an anti-aliasing filter? Required -3dB frequency for the filter is given. 

Here https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z0000019Nw5SAE&l=en-US
it is stated that PXI-6259 has A/D converter of SAR type, but no values for sample and hold circuit (Chs and Rsh) are provided there as well as in the 6259 device specs or M series User manual. Sketch of my setup is attached. Would be helpful to hear your experience regarding the creteria I should use for the filter component selection!




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