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pxi triggerbus



In my application i want to use a PXIe-1073 rack with a PXI-4070 and a PXI-6509 board

In want to start a aquisition with the 4070 when a input on the 6509 becomes high. Is it possible to use the PXI trigger bus ?

If not, how can i trigger the 4070 when the input on the 6509 becomes high

if yes, where can i download a example programm ?


Thanks in advance



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Message 1 of 4

Hello Tonnie,


It is possible to use the PXI Trigger bus, PXI defines eight trigger bus lines for synchronization and communication between modules. Trigger, clock, and handshaking signals can be shared using the trigger bus lines. Triggers can be passed from one module to any number of modules, so you can distribute digital trigger signals from master to slave measurement devices. The trigger bus allows transmission of variable frequency sampling clocks, so multiple modules can directly share a sample clock or variable frequency time base.


PXI-407x DMM Synchronization Q&A:



Please use the information on the following Knowledgebase to learn on how to use PXI timing and triggering functionality:




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Message 2 of 4



Thanks for your answer.


So this triggerbus is available to all types of PXI instruments?

Someone at NI told me that the PXI-6509 was not able to use the triggerbus. So in order to use the a external trigger we want ot use the Aux I/O bus on the front of the 4070. But this is not a nice solution.

I think it is better to use the trigger bus (if available to the 6509  ???????)

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Message 3 of 4

Hi Tonnie,


The information that you have recived that the PXI-6509 does not have access to the trigger bus (RTSI) is correct. I'm sorry that i did not specify that in the previous answer, The PXI-6509 card only supports software timing, therefore you will not be able to trigger it via the backplane, please see NI PXI-6509 specefications:





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Message 4 of 4