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NI Week 2016 Accommodation

@Ray.R wrote:
But from what I understand, they greatly vary by region.  There is a constant, however, to North-American breakfast, which is bacon & eggs with toast.  I like it when they get creative and love to try anything.   Well... almost... 

Yeah, regional differences can be quite large in any country, especially one the size of the USA.


In Scotland (our brothers in spirit) there was of course the famous menu of deep fried mars bars.  I always took it as some kind of joke, but apparently places actually DID offer them.  So compared to that, I suppose a breakfast burrito is the pinnacle of healthy eating.


Been to New York (a Year before the towers came down).  Spent 9 days there.  6 of them we had crappy "continental breakfast" until on the 6th day we discovered a diner which served hash browns, pancakes (with proper canadian maple syrup), bacon the works.  I reckon I put on several pounds just from breakfast in those last couple of days.


Been to Hawaii (Maui).  Food was good but oh boy, outside the tourist areas, the pulled pork is just to die for.  Of course listening to Willie K at the time really helped.


I've also been to San Francisco but there are so many other cultural influences there, I'm not sure what's local and what's not.


I'm really looking forward to the experience.

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Message 21 of 31

I did hear about the fried Mars bars.  Not sure how or where...  but I have never tried it.


I'm glad you know the difference in the Maple sirop.  We actually have localized preferences as well as depth of flavors.  My favorite is Amber.


Hawaii is on my bucket list...  So is Ireland and a bunch of European coutries that we have not yet visited (north & east).


So many places... so little time...  



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Message 22 of 31

I feel like we need a new topic just about food to try while at NIWeek. Cat LOL


If you're interested in deep fried candy bars, Red's Porch on South Lamar here in Austin has a deep fried Snickers bar. It's really good!


Deep Fried Snickers from Red's Porch

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Message 23 of 31
However, if you are European, you won't understand the obsession with peanuts. Nuts!
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Message 24 of 31

Disclaimer: I in no way meant to endorse the deep frying of any chocolate bars..... Smiley Wink


But what I CAN recommend is the fusion of two regional specialities I have experience with: Whiskey Fondue. HeartHeart Best thing ever.

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Message 25 of 31

There is absolutely fantastic food in Austin.  


You have to try briskets.  Texas briskets are the best.  A great place was the Salt Lick.  Another good place is Iron Works (?  - a place near the convention center).  But there are plenty of places for great food.  Make sure you go to the LAVA BBQ.  It's always a great event.  


Attending the LAVA BBQ is where you can officially claim not to be an NI Week virgin nooby
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Message 26 of 31

@Intaris wrote:


But what I CAN recommend is the fusion of two regional specialities I have experience with: Whiskey Fondue. HeartHeart Best thing ever.

Great dinner idea for tonight!  And we were about to have my special mussle recipe...  😉


Make sure you book the Hyatt.  You'll enjoy the place.  

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Message 27 of 31

@Intaris wrote:


But what I CAN recommend is the fusion of two regional specialities I have experience with: Whiskey Fondue. HeartHeart Best thing ever.

What is that??? Are you just replacing th Kirsch with Whiskey (Boooo :() or is there more to it? 😄

0 Kudos
Message 28 of 31

Altenbach, yes I replace the kirsch with whiskey in the Fondue (But you hardly notice that at all).


Main part is dipping the bread into whiskey before it goes into the fondue.  Mmmmmh.  Delicious.  But whiskey, not whisky.  It's an important difference. Heart


Eine rezente Käsemischung ist unabdingbar!
Message 29 of 31

@Darren wrote:

Come on,'ll be in Austin. The proper terminology is "breakfast taco". 😉


Speaking of, if you get a chance while you're here, swing by a Torchy's Tacos Tacodeli. They're damn good.

FTFY Darren Smiley Wink


In all seriousness, if you have not had breakfast tacos before, I would recommend getting some while you are in Austin.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
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Message 30 of 31