04-14-2018 08:48 PM
I'll be running at NIWeek as part of my http://10k365.com journey. But if you want to join me on Tu,Wed,Th early morning (prob. 6am or so), feel free to do so. I'd love some company. I'll be running a 10K of course but you can drop off anytime you feel comfortable. I'll be running an average pace so all levels are welcome. It would be cool to get a large group organized.
You can follow my progress here.
See you all in Austin!
04-23-2018 11:47 PM
Here's the proposed run for NIWeek 2018. I will run it the full length and then turn around and run back.
Let me know what you think. Reply to this post if you plan on joining.
04-26-2018 04:57 AM
Hi Michael,
Running 10k per day for a year! Nice one!
I'll definitely join for at least one or two of the runs out in Austin, depending on how late I've stayed up the night before....
04-26-2018 10:34 PM
I'm in on Tuesday morning!
04-26-2018 10:40 PM
I'm not sure if it's clear on the map but the route starts just south of the convention center. Right at the end of Trinity St.
04-27-2018 02:22 AM
Suits me, I'm staying in the Hyatt which is just a couple of blocks from the convention centre.
05-11-2018 07:54 AM
I'm in, though maybe not every morning. I guess I will join the group at the Raddisson
05-16-2018 02:01 PM
Consider me in!
I just checked your pace and you're at that 9-10 minute mile pace which i'm up for.
What days will you be in town to do the running?
05-18-2018 01:02 PM
Sounds great! I will try to join near the Radisson.
05-21-2018 03:27 PM
Just a reminder, tomorrow I'll be running 6am, this route:
Starts just south of the convention center. Right at the end of Trinity St. I'll wait there for anyone who wants to join me. I'll wait until 6:05am then I'm off.