08-10-2011 08:26 AM
Am I crazy, or is everyone wondering where the NIWeek App is? Oh... no NIWeek app? Come on, man! It's 2011.
There was no app in 2010, but I figured for sure there would be in 2011. Not even a mobile enabled website that I could find.
What do you all think? What else would you like to see an NIWeek app do?
08-10-2011 09:00 AM
Updates regarding session changes/cancellations would be great.
Oh and how about not assuming that everyone has an iPhone? Most of the engineers I know have Android-powered mobile devices, myself included.
08-11-2011 09:36 AM
I believe that having at least a mobile enabled website would be great, that would work for both iPhone and Android.
Also, not needing a magic link to register for sessions would be nice.
08-23-2011 04:30 PM
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for the feedback! I'm part of the mobile team at NI. Right now our team is very small, but we hear your feedback. Although we won't make any promises, we definitely want to make an NIWeek app a top priority for next year. In the meantime, are there other parts of ni.com that you would like to see mobile-friendly versions of?
08-26-2011 09:32 AM
I would have been happy to have the NIWeek class schedule available as a google calendar. Even if I could "register" from there it would let me see what's going on.