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CompactRIO-based Power Electronics Real-Time Simulator

Hi all;

This is the demo photo of CompactRIO-based Power Electronics Real-Time simulator.  There is a CompactRIO 9039 on the left side of the photo, this CompactRIO is the simulator which runs a PV system model with step size of 1 microsecond. There is a GPIC in the middle of photo, this GPIC works as the PV system inverter controller. The simulator and the controller are connected with the hardware IO. And you can observe the PWM and current waveforms in the oscilloscope, also there is the user interface on the monitor.

Please feel free to contact us ( info@modeling-tech.com ) if you have any questions about the CompactRIO-based (or FPGA-based ) Power Electronics Real Time Simulator. And you can download our electrical system modeling Software, StarSim  Offline, from http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/211170 , this tool provides three-month free evaluation.

PS: Besides StarSim Offline, you will need StarSim FPGA Express for the FPGA-based real-time simulation. You can get more info about our solver for FPGA simulation from this link  https://decibel.ni.com/content/message/132002#132002

Best Regards,

Kevin Wang | Business Development Manager


Power Electronics Real-Time Simulator.png

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 14

Hi Kevin,

that's awesome, StarSim is very intuitive.

I have a question concerning 1us. What define that limit?

cRIO 9039 has a quite big FPGA, Kintex325T if I remeber well.

Is it possible to go sub-us? It would be useful to simulate with HiL switching power converters...

Can you post some sceenshot of the results? It is diffult to evaluate them from the attached image.




got your email...let you know asap.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 14

Hello Alessandro,

If you installed latest StarSim Offline 3.0, you can find this example

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2015\examples\StarSim\Backward Euler Solver\Photovoltaic Array Inverter Example_BackwardEuler.vi

This example is the offline simulation of the above Real-Time demo. You can play with this offline example to get detail waveforms.

About you question of step size, yes, it is possible to have the sub-us step size for some small power electronics systems. Currently we only provide 1 us step size option, we probably will add the 0.5 us and 0.8 us options for customers to set for the small systems in the next release. I will let you know when we do that.

Best Regards,

Kevin Wang

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Message 3 of 14

where can i download the said example please?

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Message 4 of 14

i have designed in Multisim Ver 14

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Message 5 of 14

it is for 3 level output

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Message 6 of 14

following is the error i get 

shorted voltage source found V3. do you have labview control of three level mmc please

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Message 7 of 14


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Message 8 of 14

Labview v2013 

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Message 9 of 14

Even though the error is removed the simulation is not running for desired time 

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Message 10 of 14