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Guide to Power Electronics Control Application Examples and IP Cores for NI GPIC

Hi BMac,

I found this PV model in the Multisim file "Solar PV Boost Converter" as you can see the picture below. However, I could not change its output voltage and current (Vpv, Ipv)in order to fit with my project. Could you please show me how I can set up my own parameters for this PV model.


Solar PV Boost Converter.png

0 Kudos
Message 21 of 33

Hi Bmac,


I am using GPIC (9606) for controlling a PV system which is integrated with a battery bank (300V, 33Ah). The system will work as grid connected mode and islanded mode as well. I use 4 PI controllers for controlling MPPT-boost converter, bidirectional converter for battery charging and discharging, DC link control.

Problem is that the GPIC and Labview code work perfectly when I test part by part of the system, but when I put all Labview codes together to run the whole system, the FPGA resource is running out. My code takes up 97.2% of Slice LUTs even I have optimized my code as much as possible. This program now does not have full functionalities and I want to expand it, however, I do not know how to put more code into FPGA.

Another problem is I have different results when I run the code part by part and when all codes are put in one VI.


Please give me some sugestions for those problems.





0 Kudos
Message 22 of 33

In the top posting for this thread it says


"The LabVIEW 2016 development toolchain is required (see announcement titled "What tools do I need to get started developing power conversion equipment?").  "


There is a later reply that has a link for this, but it appears broken.  There seem to be several 'toolchains' available when searching, can someone point me in the right direction?


Is BMac still supporting the power electronics?





0 Kudos
Message 23 of 33

Hi there,


See here:



Also you could take a small peak here (same link included in the guide mentioned above):



You will be able to find the tool-chain there too 🙂


good luck,



0 Kudos
Message 24 of 33

First link returns us to the same post, did you mean to put a different link in there?


Second link takes us to the zip files from the original post and that doesn't answer my question.


When I search through the files extracted from the zip file for toolkit 2 directories come up as 'Electical Power Toolkit




with the same 5 VI's in each one.



The instructions say to follow a 'link' for instructions, and also that the tool kit needs to be installed.


I'm ignorant to what 'install toolkit' means.  Is Toolkit shorthand for a handful of VI.s or is some software supposed to be installed.







0 Kudos
Message 25 of 33



Sorry, I supposed that you will take the opportunity and do a little browsing on the ftp server...and also some googling...

See here then:

http://download.ni.com/evaluation/powerdev/  (ftp://ftp.ni.com/evaluation/powerdev/)

You will find there a huge .zip file which contains the development toolchain itself.


To run  (use) the power electronics examples, there are certain LabView addons (modules..toolkits..) which needs to be installed.

The toolchain is the COMPLETE set of those add-ons (all together with LabView) which you need to be able to run everything. (FPGA module, RT module, Control and simulation toolbox, soft motion module, electrical power toolkit..etc)


I tried to be short...

If this explanation is not clear enough,

don't hesitate to send me a message,




0 Kudos
Message 26 of 33

Dear BMac and colleagues, 


Regarding the FPGA State-space HIL Solver project, I tried to understand the "PhaseLogic v03.vi" file, which represents a three-phases IGBT Inverter, please look a picture of the block diagram of this vi next: 



According to my understanding there is no reason to divide Vdc/2 by 2, I meant a three-phase inverter don’t produce Vdc/4 level in any circumstance. Please indicate me if I am wrong or if this is a mistake of the model.




0 Kudos
Message 27 of 33


Can you please provide link to libraries for GPIC for labview 2014.


0 Kudos
Message 28 of 33

hi, it is 2019 i'm trying to download and try some examples here.. the downloads starts but report a network error after 0.8Gbytes.. any alternative download site?



0 Kudos
Message 29 of 33

seems to be browser related. failed with Chrome.. MS Edge ok. 

0 Kudos
Message 30 of 33