11-15-2012 10:59 AM
Hi All ,
I have been coding on FPGA for three-level converter switching. It has couple of errors . I just want to validate my code. How, I don't know.
Can anyone tell me if NI has any build-in block for three-level NPC converter PWM generation for FPGAs.
01-24-2013 07:16 AM
I am Having the same problem here; I want to make a Three-Level inverter which has 12 Transistors/Switches, prefferebly with SVPWM method, but I also need some hints.
Could you find anything regarding "Three-Level(12 switch) Converter Switching using SVPWM" ?! Could you please share your findings/simulations?!
01-24-2013 11:35 AM
Hi ,
The best hint is you have to write your own code for FPGA. There is no help anywhere. Try understanding the commutation of switches properly . If you only want simulations on labview without talking to FPGA, you can do co-simulation. I can send you a Multisim file with built-in pulse generator for 3-level converter.
01-24-2013 11:38 AM
I understand. Well; I will probably need to do it in FPGA too anyway, I guess there is no escape of that!
01-24-2013 11:54 AM
Sorry dude. I think i can only help you leter, lets say june 2013. Get back to me if you can wait. akrama.khan@hotmail.com
01-24-2013 11:56 AM
Thank You man,
I will certainly get in touch to see how things are going and share experience...
01-24-2013 11:58 AM
Most Welcome.
01-24-2013 01:05 PM
Hey guys,
Here's an approach that should make your work straightforward. I'd recommend using the Space Vector Modulation block included with the NI SoftMotion Module as a starting point. This is a LabVIEW add on module sold by NI. Then modify the vector table to match the three-level neutral-clamped inverter. Here's a screenshot of the standard block with the vector table configured for a standard 2-level, three-phase full-bridge voltage-source inverter.
You can find a complete field-oriented control example with SVPWM in the SoftMotion example project titled "Servo Interface (9514).lvproj".
Here's a screenshot of the LabVIEW FPGA control application in which the FOC and SVPWM blocks are included.
I'd recommend purchasing this book, which has a great treatment of the topic for both the two-level and three-level topologies in Chapter 1. My advisor, Ramu Krishnan, is one of the editors. The book has a great, concise treatment of many modern power converter control strategies, including energy optimal control.
Marian P. Kazmierkowski (Editor), Ramu Krishnan (Editor), Frede Blaabjerg (Editor), J. D. Irwin (Series Editor)
Here are some excerpts with SVPWM vectors for 2-level and 3-level NPC inverters.
You can validate your LabVIEW FPGA code using the Multisim 3-Phase Inverter, 3-Level NPC example that's included in the Power Electronics Design Guide. You'll need to set it to the Co-Simulation Variant as shown below, and then you can control it from LabVIEW using your SVPWM block.
Here is a direct link to download the Multisim file shown above.
I hope this helps. Let us know how it goes.
01-25-2013 05:17 AM
Brian, Thank you for your help and also the book suggestion; fortuanately my University has a Subscription to Science Direct database and this book is readable over there!
03-19-2013 11:24 AM
Hi Saeed !! How is it going with your switching ??