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Quick Drop Keyboard Shortcut – Arrange VI Window

I use a laptop and my main monitor is my external display, but my "primary monitor" as Windows sees it is the laptop display. I wasn't aware of a way to switch which monitor is the primary one in Windows (I don't see it in the Display Settings area, though I admit I didn't look TOO hard).


I got the setting changed in Resize BD and Resize FP and it works great now. Thanks for the tip 🙂

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 49

I'm glad you got it working. Can you PM me screenshots and/or VIs that include the fix? I figure other users may want this behavior, and since we already have a bunch of other INI tokens that let you tweak the plugin behavior, we could add one for this as well.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 49

Sure thing, PM coming soon.

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 49

Well it looks like I can't send files via PM, so here they are.


I made mods to Resize BD, Resize FP, and Establish Window Bounds. Establish Window Bounds just includes the new height and width, which could probably be determined elsewhere but I did this in about 20 minutes and didn't fully digest all of the upstream info.


Resize FP and BD are changed to retain the original Top and Left values, then add the Height and Width calculations.


One small "issue" I noticed (not sure if this was in before my mods or not) is that the FP window width is often a fair bit wider than actually needed. It looks like it's trying to keep all tools visible, which is 100% fine by me but I wanted to point it out in case that was just a coincidence.


Thanks for putting this tool out there, it's saving me gobs of time already.

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 49

Thanks for posting the updated files. And you're right, we're giving the panel and diagram a minimum width to accommodate all the buttons on the toolbar.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 49

I would love a INI file key to be able to override the minimum width behavior. 😁

Bill Eisenhower
Certified LabVIEW & TestStand Developer
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 49

@CL_eisenwr wrote:

I would love a INI file key to be able to override the minimum width behavior. 😁

And I would *love* if every VI I opened had a fully visible toolbar that I could use. 😉


But yeah, this would be easy to add an INI token for as well.

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 49

P.S. - I filed myself Bug 1016812 to see about adding the tweaks described in this thread as additional INI tokens in a future LabVIEW release.

Message 18 of 49

CL_eisenwr, Have you tried using ArrangeVIWin.BD.MinWindowWidth and ArrangeVIWin.FP.MinWindowWidth to change minimum width of the windows?

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 49

BertMcMahan, Thank you for the feedback!

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Message 20 of 49