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GSM PVT measurement by analysis only mode

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Dear All, 1. use GSM PVT example to get rfsa sample rate and samples 2. use S/s and samples from last step to config rfsa 3. get raw iq by rfsa 4. feed raw iq to GSM PVT example (enable analysis only mode). ** PVT test parameters: default (GMSK, band: gsm 850, enable IQ power edge, -20dB) 5. example works fine, BUT switch to analysis only mode, we get a lot of -inf points at the begining of the PVT graph. We wanna know how to config rfsa to get raw iq for gsm analysis, we tried different trigger delay by rfsa but all fail, need your help, thanks.
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Message 1 of 6

Hi Wei-Smart,


Could you offer more detail message about the issue?


Here is some question:

1, What's the RFmx version? 

2, Do you update the RFmxGSM PVT example? if yes, can you share your code ?

3, There is no Analysis Mode Setting on RFmxGSM PVT example. So What mean the "analysis only mode"?

4, Did you use the NI-RFmx GSM Measurement Interactive Panel?

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\RFmx\GSM\64-bit

5, What is the hardware setting?


Lookback VST, waveform creator created GSM signal, RFmxGSM PVT example test as follow:GSM.PNG


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Message 2 of 6

1, What's the RFmx version?     19.0

2, Do you update the RFmxGSM PVT example? if yes, can you share your code ? No update. code is example.

3, There is no Analysis Mode Setting on RFmxGSM PVT example. So What mean the "analysis only mode"? yes

4, Did you use the NI-RFmx GSM Measurement Interactive Panel? No 

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\RFmx\GSM\64-bit

5, What is the hardware setting? 5840 loopback




More information:


1. Use this VI:C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2019\examples\RFmx\GSM\RFmxGSM PVT.vi

2. after commit, read rfsa sample rate and num of samples

3. use rfmx iq or rfsa to capture raw iq by same samples.

4. change pvt example to analysisonly=1 to analysis iq get from step 3.

5. PVT result is wrong.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Hi Smart,


It looks like you add some API in this example. Can you offer your example?


And is there any error MSG ? If yes, can you offer it?




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Message 4 of 6

Hi Smart,


I still misunderstand what API did you use and how to change analysisonly=1. Can you offer more detail message? 



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Message 5 of 6
Accepted by topic author wei-smart

Hey Guys,

Thanks for your help, the problem is not caused by lib. Rewrite T0 based on pretrigger sample can fix it, thanks.

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Message 6 of 6