RTI DDS Toolkit for LabVIEW Support

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How can I confirm whether my own "USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml " file has been loaded sucessfully?

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Can you check if the QoS file you are using is QoS for the same version that the LabVIEW toolkit? LabVIEW toolkit 3.1.1 uses internally Connext DDS 6.0.1. If you are using in your C++ application a newer one, then the XML might be valid for it but not for the LabVIEW toolkit.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 17



In my C++ project, the version of DDS is DDS.5.2.3.


In XML file, there are lots of qos_libraries which use Ver 5.1.0.

Can LabVIEW toolkit 3.1.1 use these configuration whose version is 5.1.0?




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Message 12 of 17


Thank you for reminding me!I think we may find the cause of my problem soon.


My software version:

   LabVIEW 2020

   RTI DDS Toolkit v3.1.1.111


We can see the description of the XML file in the picture of my last post.

There are lots of qos_profile in qos_library is defined by "Baseline.5.0.0" and its base_name="Baseline.Root".

And the contents of "Baseline.Root" in my XML file may be copied from  "Baseline.Root" 5.2.3.



As you say, LabVIEW toolkit 3.1.1 uses internally Connext DDS 6.0.1.

Do I need to install  RTI Connext 6.0.1?or just get the contents of "Baseline.Root" 6.0.1 to replace my now contents?


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Message 13 of 17

Log messages in Administration Panel mention that there a re an inconsistency in your QoS. The message

"[CREATE Participant] DDS_DomainParticipantResourceLimitsQosPolicy_is_consistent:inconsistent QoS policy: max_gather_destinations" about max_gather_destinations"


calls my attention. Do you set that value in your QoS? If so, what is the value? You can see information max_gather_destinations here.


It also can be caused by version inconsistency. As you said, your QoS is used in Connext 5.2.3. Can you try using a Connext 6 QoS as a base of your profile?

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 17

Hello, I'm sorry I took some time off.

I can only get “BaselineRoot.documentationONLY.xml” by installing rti_Connext 6.1.1 which is downloaded from RTI web site. And I try to copy the content about Baseline in this file to my config file for labview,the error is same as before.

So I need to install Connext DDS 6.0.1?
How can I get the default QoS configuration about Connext 6 QoS? or related file? Could you send me it? Thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 17
Accepted by 池子



You can download a 30 days trial of ConnextDDS 6. from rti.com. there you can get the file. However, coming back to the error it shows:


LVDDS_ReaderNode_create_with_params: Error when asserting Domain Participant.

LVDDS_DdsManager_assert_participant: Unable to create participant.

[CREATE Participant] DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_create_participant_disabledI:ERROR: Inconsistent QoS

[CREATE Participant] DDS_DomainParticipantQos_is_consistentI:inconsistent QoS policy: resource_limits

[CREATE Participant] DDS_DomainParticipantResourceLimitsQosPolicy_is_consistent:inconsistent QoS policy: max_gather_destinations


maybe you don't need to replace any files. A change has been introduced in 5.3.0 that requires incrementing max_gather_destinations to 16 as the minimum. Could you try incrementing that value to 16 in your QoS? It must be added to participant QoS/resource limits. Something like:









It also should work with your C++ application.




0 Kudos
Message 16 of 17



This issue is solved by incrementing that value to 16 in my QoS. Thanks so much!

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 17