Real-Time Measurement and Control

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Asynchronous timer call back function in dll

I'm attempting to use the asynchronous timer for multi threading in RT system(PC)


there are different of executing speed when using custom DLL file and static function.


using static function as Timer callback shows good performance but using dll function as callback show low speed performance


for example, program like


 NewAsyncTimerWithPriority(0.1,-1,1,DLLFunc,NULL,3);                     --> slow performance

 NewAsyncTimerWithPriority(0.1,-1,1,CallbackFunc,NULL,3);             --> intend performance


Included picture  show the difference


I've tried using DLL function in two way


  • List the DLL import library in your project
  • Dynamically load the DLL import library by calling the Interface to Win32 API function LoadLibrary





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