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Explorer not displaying resource

Sorry I do not know where else to post this basic question


Explorer shows my oscilloscope resource but it does not display. I have tried all usb ports.


Any help would be very much appreciated.



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Message 1 of 18
Does this information help in solving the problem?
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Message 2 of 18



Is this an NI Scope? Or is it a third party scope you're trying to connect to with MAX? Could you send a picture of what you're referring to in regards to the oscilloscope resource showing but not displaying?

Eden K
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 18

Thanks for taking the time to consider my problem.


I'm using a 3rd party digital scope viz., Siglent SDS 1102CML.


The absent display is in the IO Trace window, ie., my 2nd posted image, which at present contains the red error data, amongst other things, but normally my scope image.


The Trace window worked sometime ago but hasn't since I moved the location of my computer, nothwithstanding that I have since tried to get back to the now unknown usb port that I originally used. 



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 18

Could you include a screenshot of your code where you're trying to run those commands? And to make sure I'm following, are you saying that you expect to see an image of the scope in the I/O Trace window?

Eden K
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 18

No code is required to capture the scope image, just right click the scope reference in the left hand window to display the IO trace window.


Should be as simple as that, and has worked in the past..

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 18

Hey dalpets,


There is some code required in opening the resource, sending the VISA commands, etc, is there not? Is your issue solely that you cannot get the scope image? Are you able to get other information properly from the scope with VISA?

Eden K
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 18

@WestOfEden wrote:

Hey dalpets,


There is some code required in opening the resource, sending the VISA commands, etc, is there not? Is your issue solely that you cannot get the scope image? Are you able to get other information properly from the scope with VISA?

When  some time ago I first used this setup, I spoke to support, and I recall nothing was said about  code, just that I needed to select the right usb port to get it working.


Yes, my issue is solely that I cannot get the scope image.Haven't tried getting other information.


I've now installed the software on another computer. Same problem.


Thanks for your help.


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 18

Where are you selecting this USB port? How are you selecting and sending the commands to send to the scope?

Eden K
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 18

Selection by physically trying each port on the computer, not in the NI software.

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 18