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Explorer not displaying resource

Ok. I'd still like to understand what you're doing to send those VISA commands though. What were you using when you captured that I/O Trace?

Eden K
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 18

I don't think I can elaborate anymore than I have. Perhaps the attachments will throw some light on the matter.


Are you personally using this software?


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0 Kudos
Message 12 of 18

One further pic.

See "communicate with resource" in right hand window, which is self explanatory.

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 18

Hey dalpets, 


I do have the software and have used it myself often. I think I understand the confusion between us now. From the pictures, it appears that you're using VISA test panels for communication with the instrument. This handles a lot of the initial commands in the background, since it has information on the instrument, port, etc already from MAX, so you don't need to set up some of the initial commands yourself, open the VISA resource, etc.


The second image from your original post showed an error occurred when trying to find the resource, (Hex 0xBFFF0011). This error generally means that the device was not found at that location when trying to open the VISA resource. 


If you go to the "Input/Output" section of the VISA test panel  and select the *IDN?\n command, and press query, are you able to see it successfully write and return data? You should see information about the model number and manufacturer if it communicates successfully. You should also be able to see these commands be sent and responded to over the NI I/O Trace. If it does not properly respond with that information, it may return an error which could be useful, but it would likely mean the instrument is not being connected to properly/recognized at that location.


That being said, I'm still confused on what you mean about capturing the scope image. You said you right click the scope reference in the left hand window to display the IO trace (the one you provided images of). In the past, instead of seeing errors for the find resource, you would see a screen capture of your scope screen? Or would you just not get an error on the resource?


Also, you mentioned that you had spoken with support before. Do you have a service request number for reference that I can check?

Eden K
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 18

The scope image I refer to is a replica of what I would obtain if I connect a flash drive to the front panel of the scope v.iz., sine wave, square wave..............whatever.

This raises the question of what you use it for. I expect for advanced purposes I am not aware of at this time.


Thanks for the other info. I will investigate it further, as time permits.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 18

Happy to help. Let me know what happens or if you have further questions.

Eden K
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 18






@WestOfEden wrote:

Happy to help. Let me know what happens or if you have further questions.

Are you able to capture scope wave images on your computer using the NI software?


If you are, is there any facet of the software you needed to configure to do so?

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 18

Hey dalpets,


Sorry I was out for a while. I haven't personally done so, but what I would imagine you would need to do is send it a command through VISA to capture an image of the screen (if such a command exists for the device). I would take a look at the commands for your instrument to see if any of them sound like they may be what you're looking for. At a glance, the screendump (SCDP) command might be what you're looking for, but I can't say for sure having not used that device myself.


Here's a link to a manual with a list of commands for the SDS 1000 series (I haven't been able to find one for the 1000CML series specifically).

Eden K
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 18 of 18